Publisher Devereux Books is pleased to announce that a third
edition of the popular Old Marine Engines became available in July.
The third edition contains significant new material, including two
entirely new chapters and some two dozen illustrations. The chapter
on engine collecting has been completely updated, and includes the
story of an exceptionally rare 1891 Daimler discovered by a
dedicated old-engine man. A new final chapter has been added
summarizing the story of the development of the one- lunger marine
engine and where it fit into the overall engine scene. The new
edition is available from Devereux Books, P.O. Box 503, Marblehead,
MA 01945. Price is $34.95 plus $3 for first class postage.
Later this year, Devereux Books will also announce the
publication of one of the most extensively researched and
comprehensive engine histories ever published: Engines Afloat, from
Early Days to D-Day. Information on this title will be released in
fall 1998.