Lakewood Family Saves Old Gasoline Engines

By Staff
Published on September 1, 1966
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Courtesy of Kingsley Matthews, 813 Ridge Ave., Lakewood, New Jersey 08701.
Courtesy of Kingsley Matthews, 813 Ridge Ave., Lakewood, New Jersey 08701.
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Courtesy of Joe Priesgen, Route 1, Hubertus, Wisconsin.
Courtesy of Joe Priesgen, Route 1, Hubertus, Wisconsin.
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Courtesy of David E. McDonald, R. D. 1, Georgetown, Pennsylvania.
Courtesy of David E. McDonald, R. D. 1, Georgetown, Pennsylvania.

George Matthews and his son, Dennis, demonstrate an old engine
as his wife and daughter, Carolyn, watch.

5 hp Otto featured in the newspaper clipping has been restored,
painted and runs very well. This is ‘Reprinted from the Asbury
Park Press’ and they have granted us permission to use it. Anna

LAKEWOOD – Some folks save Confederate money, others save
stamps, and some save old matchbook covers.

The Matthews’ family, 813 Ridge Ave., saves old gasoline

George Kingsly Matthews, a mechanic, began the hobby four years
ago, and now he has the entire family in the act.

The family has 33 old gasoline engines, the type once used to
power factory machines or pump water into irrigation ditches 65
years ago.

Very Different A far cry from the engines that power today’s
automobiles, these antiques range from half to 50 horsepower.

One of Mr. Matthew’s engines, a six horsepower model, was
once used in a Toms River print shop, and another, an eight
horsepower model, once powered machinery in a Mount Holly mill.

‘Shortly after I brought home the first engine, my son,
Dennis., began tinkering with it, and today that is his favorite
pastime,’ said Mr. Matthews.

Mr. Matthews, his son, and his wife, Margaret, do their best to
keep their 33 motors in running condition at ail times.

My Friend Bill at the right and I having fun at the Coldwater,
Michigan show, May 30, 1965.

Daughter Helps

Their 12 year-old daughter, Carolyn, also lends a hand.

Dennis, 14; an 8th grader at Lakewood Junior High School, is
planning to be a mechanic.

‘I’ve certainly learned a lot about mechanics since dad
brought these engines home,’ said Dennis.

The family members are active in the Rough and Tumble Engine
Historical Association of Pennsylvania, and regularly attend
exhibitions by the group.

Engines Displayed

At such events, gasoline engines and other engineering equipment
is displayed.

Mr. Matthews noted that these old engines often puzzle youthful
hot-rod enthusiasts, who usually ask, ‘What makes it

He also notes that an engine similar to the type he collects was
used by the Wright Brothers during their first flight test.

‘They’ll soon be a collector’s item, but one can
still learn a lot about our modern gasoline engines by studying
some of these old ones,’ said Mr. Matthews.

This is a picture of my two gas engines. I have worked with gas
engines for 45 years, pumping water, grinding feed, sawing wood,
and baling hay. I have 15 engines at the present time. The John
Deere is l? H.P. T bought it at a junk yard. It was in bad shape.
The Economy is l? H.P. and it also was in bad shape. They both took
lots of work but work perfectly now. The tractor in the back is a
12 x 20 Oil Pull. I bought it last summer and it needs some work
done on it yet. I have another Oil Pull that is in perfect
condition. I can use it for show. It is a 20 x 35.

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