The What Is It Column answers questions about photos in order to identify smaller gas engines.
What is it? Learn how to identify smaller gas engines. This small engine I purchased had no name plate on
it. The mag is line a Briggs & Statton. It has a brass
carburetor and a small flywheel and the valves in the head.
Courtesy of Houston L. Herndon, President of Sarasota-Bradenton
Speedway, Sarasota, Florida.
What was the smallest conventional horizontal water-cooled
(hopper not radiator) gas engine manufactured and sold in the
United States?
Two photos of an engine owned by me.
It has the radiator in fly wheel and has a clutch and sprocket
as was used to run grain binders. Note the two rubber hoses leading
into the middle of the fly wheel.
This is a Pierson Motor, designed by E.B. Cushman. It was
patented and Manufactured by The Pierson Telegraph Transmitter Co.
of Topeka, Kansas. It is a 5 H.P. Speed 950 No. A782.