Gas Engine Magazine Readers Help Identify Photos of Gas Engines

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1966
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Photo courtesy of Mr. Henry Abels, Clay Center, Kansas.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Henry Abels, Clay Center, Kansas.
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Photo courtesy of Roger L. Esliehnan, College Springs, Iowa.
Photo courtesy of Roger L. Esliehnan, College Springs, Iowa.
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Photo courtesy of Al New, Pendleton, Indiana.
Photo courtesy of Al New, Pendleton, Indiana.
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Photo courtesy of Mr. Henry Abels, Clay Center, Kansas.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Henry Abels, Clay Center, Kansas.

A Gas Engine Magazine reader asks other magazine readers to help identify photos of gas engines.

What is it?? I am calling on readers to help me to identify photos of gas engines. Open crank gas engine original equipment on John
Beam Sprayer Co. “Magic No. 10” sprayer, last patent date
Aug. 9, 1904. Spark coil ignition, flyball governor. Extra frame
bolted in top of hopper. 3-3/4 foot bore, 5 foot stroke, 16 foot
dia. flywheels, 32 feet long, 16 feet wide (excluding gearing).
Guess about 1 1/2 to 2 hp. Original dark green paint. Owned by Al
New, R. R. 2, Pendleton, Indiana.

What horsepower and year please? Here is a picture of my
Aermotor which has unusual crimped galvanized water hopper. A
4 3/16 foot bore and 6 foot stroke. I would like to have someone
tell me the horsepower and the year this was built. Also any other
information they might have.

Enclosed is a picture of an engine that I am unable to identify.
I was told it was a Waterloo Roy by the fellow I bought it from but
it doesn’t look like any I’ve ever seen. Also I have been
told it was a Weld engine.

I thought it looked a lot like the Little Jumbo in the last
issue of the Gas Engine Magazine. Gould you help me out?

I am missing the ignitor mechanism as you can see by the picture
and the rocker arm is broken. The engine is not stuck but in pretty
rough shape. P. S. The bore of the engine is 31/2 feet and the
stroke is 5 feet.

On January 8th I received a letter from Mr. Arthur L. Heiland, Anna, Ohio, requesting information concerning an Aire
Motor gas engine, Arthur knows a man that claims Aire Motors built
an engine with 8 cycles and would like to know if such an engine is
possible. I have done a little research on the matter and have come
up with the following.

Taken from the book Farm Machinery and Farm Motors by Davidson
and Chase printed by Orange Judd Go. in 1912, page 403, paragraph

As stated before, practically all the engines used today are
designed to follow the Otto Cycle. However, they are divided into
two distinct types four cycle engines and two cycle engines.

This taken from Audels Gas Engine Mannuel Copyrighted 1907-1908,
page 54, paragraph 66.

Six-Cycle or Scavenging Engine. Another type of internal
combustion engine not included in the primary classification, is
the so-called six-cycle engine. It never attained much practical
importance, and is mentioned herein merely to satisfy the curious.
It is of the four-cycle type, but in addition to the operations
taking place in the latter, a third revolution of the crank shaft
or two strokes of the piston are employed to admit a charge of pure
air, into the cylinder immediately after the exhaust of the burnt
gases, and subsequently expel it. By thus scavenging the combustion
space the designers expected to obtain a greater economy of fuel
consumption but these expectations were never realized and the
construction of the type was quickly abandoned.

This is what I have been able to find on cycles above 4, perhaps
some of our readers have something to add to this, to answer Mr.
Heiland’s question, if you care to comment on this subject
please send all information to WHAT IS IT? in care of Ray
Geisinger, 1Kutz-town, Penna. and I will see that
it gets into the next edition.

When was This Gas Engine Built?

This is my Edwards, 2 cylinder, 3 to 6 HP. It has ignitors which
are tripped by a spur on the piston head and it runs on one or both
cylinders equally well. It is started by wrapping strap a-round
pulley. It has a speed of 650 to 1100 R. P. M. I would like to know
when this engine was built. I think it was somewhere between 1917
and 1925, perhaps later. The later ones used high tension mag. and
spark plugs.

Obituary of Harry Schoff

We are very saddened to report the death of Harry Schoff,
Honeoye Falls, New York, on Dec. 29, 1965. At the time of his
death, he was supervising the removal of St. Joseph’s Cemetary,
Syracuse, N. Y. to a new location. He had lead a very full and
interesting life. Among his many interests were blacksmithing,
archaeology, American Indian culture, and collecting antique gas
engines and tractors. He owned the Mendon Pioneer Museum, Honeoye
Falls. He was one of the originators of the New York Steam Engine
Association, and the first reunion was held at his place. He
started the Pioneer Gas Engine Association, and the meetings and
reunions were held on his property. At the time of his death, he
held the office of Vice-President. He was born in Hilton, N. Y. He
leaves his wife Dorothy, a daughter, Mrs. Helen Hanggi of Naples,
two grandchildren, and a sister. He will be greatly missed by his
many friends.

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