Learn about the reports on the gas engine and steam engineers reunions.
Gas Engine and Steam Engineers Reunions: Pioneer Gas Engine Association, Inc. Club Meeting Held
The 1966 Reunion of the Pioneer Gas Engine Association, Inc. was
held at Fairville, N.Y. on July 29, 30 and 31st. This was a new
location; on the carnival grounds owned by our vice-president,
Franklin Orbaker. Everyone seemed to like the new location. The
weather was good. The days were fairly hot and the nights were
There were 33 gasoline tractors and one Baker Steam traction
engine. Some of the ones which were new to our show were a 10-20
three wheel Case, a 10-20 Titan, a 22-44 cross motor Case road
roller, a 1937 W K-40 International, a 1935 25-45 Massey Harris and
a Farmall F-12. These were all shown off proudly by their owners
in the daily parades and in operating the allied equipment and the
Baker Fan.
We had 36 pieces of allied equipment. The sawmill was an
American No. 2 friction feed owned by Franklin Orbaker. Before the
show it was set up on cement piers, so it was sturdily anchored.
The 22 foot Case threshing machine, owned by Abram Johnson of
Marion, threshed the wheat and rye. There was also a 22 foot
Advance Rumley Ideal thresher owned by David Shearns of Marion on
display. Straw was baled by the club owned Case stationary
The Association owned stone crusher sure made the tractors work
and was a big attraction. A Director, Milton Skinner of Geneva,
made shingles with his International shingle mill. Also on display
was a hand feed Ford shingle mill owned by another Director, George
Knab of Spencerport. There were at least three drag saws.
Most of the 155 gasoline engines were in running condition. Most
of them were fully restored and painted. There is a small pond on
the grounds, and several water pumps were kept busy filling the
water tanks used to sprinkle the grounds. One of the most unusual
engines was a 1917 6 hp Jones oil engine owned by Howard Scheer
of Fairville.
Compressed air was used to power the 44 models. One was a model
of a gasoline engine made and owned by Olin Himes of East
Williamson. Elmer Shaefer of Yoe, Pa. was also present with his two
model gas engines. Claude Abbert of Rochester attracted a large
crowd with his model hot air engine.
On Sunday the Livingston County Antique Car Club had eight cars
on display. Carl Brennessel of Williamson had a 1924 International
truck and Grover Swank of Marion had a Model A Ford truck.
Ken and Jim Stocum of Lima, New York brought their beautiful
pair of horses. They were busy taking both children and adults for
rides around the grounds. They also served as a shuttle service
between the grounds and the firehall where the Ladies Auxiliary of
the Fairville Fire Department served a smorgasbord dinner on
Saturday and a chicken bar-b-que on Sunday. The ladies and the firemen had a short order stand set up on the grounds. No one went
Mrs. Mary Ketcham of Fairville was crowned as our queen on
Saturday by our President Don Luteyn of Palmyra. She is the wife of
an old time thresher and steam engine man. Her corsage was pinned
on by our 1965 Queen, Mrs. Charles Rolfe of Lima.
Many of the wives of the members helped out at the ticket gates.
Thanks to Mrs. Mary Johnson, Carol Swank, Laura Riegle, Adelaide
Hershey. Beverly Troutman, Rose Wood, Lois Gibson, Florence Brown,
Mrs. Terry Weston, and to any others I have forgotten, thanks a
Our treasurer, Mrs. Martha Abbert of Rochester, manned the souvenir booth and had charge of the membership renewals with the
help of Mrs. Mildred Graves, Nancy Knab, Karen McCauley and Mrs.
Sapp, and Mrs Alice Prudom sold magazine subscriptions, books etc. I
was sort of jack of all trades and was kept busy keeping the others
We were very happy to have Reverand and Mrs. Ritzman of Enola, Pennsylvania
visit us on Friday. I know that they have not been able to attend
very many reunions this year, so we were greatly honored to have
them with us. I hope they enjoyed the “gas” show, but I bet
they missed the steam.
Reading our guest register is very interesting. We had visitors
from Canada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey and
Florida. Daniel Brubaker, the President of “Rough and
Tumble”, Kinsers, Pennsylvania, was present, also several members from
the “Steam-Era” in Milton, Canada.
Ken Roloff of Marilla supplied the public address system. R.
Dayton Nichols of Stafford did the announcing for the parades.
There were several campers and tents set up in the camping
Everyone had a good time and we are already planning and looking
forward to next year, which we hope will be bigger and better.
Gas Engine and Steam Engineers Reunions: Florida Gas And Steam Engineers Club Meeting Held
Report courtesy of Colonel Houston L. Herndon, Sarasota, Florida.
The second meeting of the Florida Gas And Steam Engineers Club
was held 13 August 1966 at their permanent show grounds located at
Colonel Houston L. Herndon’s Sarasota-Bradenton Speedway. The
Speedway, an automobile race track, is located on U.S. 41 between
Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida. The club, a non-profit
organization, has their next meeting scheduled for 5 November
Anyone who has ever operated equipment has experienced the
helpless feeling of not having enough power for the load they were
hooked up to. That is what we are experiencing here in Florida.
There was never much equipment in this state and the Club is hard
put to get enough for a good show. If anyone from the north who
spends the winter or part of the winter down here would like to
bring down some units they are more than welcome. The Speedway
contains 44 acres so there is plenty of room. We have two steam
traction engines being brought down by winter visitors and will be
left. We would welcome more units, large or small. For further
information write Colonel Houston L. Herndon, Sarasota,
This is my F. 12 I.H.C. Tractor completely restored after having
been idle since 1955.
My G. P. John Deere Tractor built about 1928, powering a circle
saw cutting cord wood.
My Advance Rumley Oil Pull Tractor, Model R S/N 385 25-45 H.P.
This picture was made 13 August 1966 at a meeting of the Florida Gas And Steam Engineers Club.
This is my 22 by 38 I.H.C. Thresher pulled by my “Times New
Roman” scale Rumely Oil Pull.