1-1/2 HP Economy Engine
Company: Hercules Gas Engine Co., Evansville, Ind.
Model: E or F
Horsepower: 1-1/2
Bore: 3-1/4-inch
Stroke: 5-inch
Flywheel diameter: 18 inches
Flywheel width: 1-1/2 inches
Governing: Hit-and-miss
Ignition: Webster new-style magneto Type AX
Additional info: This was purchased at auction without a head, mixer, piston or rod. It has a draw saw flywheel and part of the clutch. The cylinder oiler is behind the hopper. There is a one-piece rod inside the flyball governor assembly (not two-piece with a ball bearing). This engine has features found on both the Model E and the Model F.
Chester Long
4862 Thackery Close
Rockford, IL 61101