Manufacturer: Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co.
Model: 2-cylinder Type T
Year: 1924
Horsepower: 25
Serial number: 1302
RPM: 750
Finding old engines on location these days is becoming hard to do. To find one still on the job at its original job site is a rare thing, indeed. Such an engine exists at the Fly Creek Cider Mill in Fly Creek, N.Y., a few minutes from Cooperstown.
The Fly Creek Cider Mill
Founded over 150 years ago, the Fly Creek Cider Mill is currently owned and operated by Bill and Brenda Michaels. The mill specializes in apple cider, apples and other specialty items. Every year, from Labor Day to Thanksgiving, the mill churns out 20,000 gallons of cider, using antique cider-making equipment that is maintained to modern standards. The mill also sponsors several activities throughout the year, including an engine show in late August.
Waterloo Boy still grinding
The mill stands on the banks of Fly Creek at the edge of a mill pond. The cider press itself is still powered by water, and the apple grinder is powered by a 25 HP Wateloo Boy gas engine. This engine was made by Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co., Waterloo, Iowa, and is identical to contemporary Waterloo tractor engines. It was installed new in the mill in 1924. Like the Waterloo Boy tractors, it is radiator cooled. It still runs daily during cider making season, like it has since 1924.
Contact the Fly Creek Cider Mill at 288 Goose St., Fly Creek, NY 13337 • 1-800-505-6455 •
Contact Woody Sins at 3 Edna Terr., New Hartford, NY 13413 •