Eclipse Begins Collection

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1986
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135 Stanley Rd., Fayetteville, GA 30214

About three years ago I was at a small town in North Georgia
where they were having a Fall Festival and there was a man there
grinding corn-meal with a 6 HP Fairbanks-Morse. Something about the
sound of that engine running did something to me. I knew that day I
had to have one. I started asking people everywhere I went if they
knew where I could get me an engine. Most of the people I asked
didn’t know what I was talking about, so I ran an ad in the
Wanted column of the market bulletin and a guy at East Point,
Georgia, called me and said he had one he would sell. It was the
Fairbanks-Morse Eclipse 1 HP pictured here. Since that first engine
I now have 10 engines and I am still looking for more. When I first
started buying, I didn’t know about GEM or any of the clubs, so
I really had a hard time getting the first couple fixed up but I
sure enjoyed working on them! I now belong to the Georgia Antique
Engine Club. I never enjoyed anything as much as I have enjoyed
restoring engines.

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