Secretary, Rt. 2, Marseilles, Illinois 61341.
Thank you again for giving us continuing coverage on what
certainly must be one of the most interesting and fascinating
hobbys in the country today. The many show reports, informative
articles written by the knowledgeable people in our fraternity, and
information made available between people who would not be able to
exchange such knowledge without your help, is impossible to
estimate. I’m sure I speak for many thousands of collectors who
say many thanks, also I must mention that there is no doubt that
many would not have been able to enjoy the engine fever if it were
not for your classified ads.
Our show at the Sandwich Fairgrounds at Sandwich, Illinois, in
1975 was another huge success. The Good Lord favored us with an
unbelievable beautiful, sunny, warm day to have our show; after the
show in 1974 we thought we would make modest arrangements for an
increase in exhibitors. Well we shouldn’t have been so modest,
the turnout in gate attendance, exhibitors and engines was
In 1974 we had at our show 147 gas engines, well by the end of
our show in 1975, we had exceeded 250, with many out of state
exhibitors from Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa. It would be impossible
to describe all the engines shown and equipment run by them. There
were many rare and beautifully restored engines shown by very
enthusiastic people, young and old.
This is of Gatfield Harley with his pride and
joy, 15 HP Fairbanks. We would all like to be this spry when we
reach this age
The Antique Car Club that also co-sponsors our engine show had a
tremendous turnout of beautifully restored cars, we were both busy
extending our rope boundaries to accommodate the many exhibitors
who came.
This year being our Country’s Bi-Centennial year and like so
many people and organizations throughout our wonderful country, we
would like to do something a little extra to make our show more
memorable. With the help of many engine collectors throughout the
area, members and non-members we hope to have a model of every
Sandwich engine on display, also the forerunners of the Sandwich
Mfg. Co., the Jacob Haish Co. and the Chanticlear. Anyone having
any one of these are cordially invited to bring them to our show,
we will have a special area where we will try to display all of
This year we will also continue to give a china plate with our
featured engine in color on it, and also a nice brass show plaque.
Our featured engine this year is the Chanticlear engine, one of the
forerunners of the Sandwich engine.
Every year so far we have had a very nice Flea Market in
conjunction with our show and being an engine and car show, we have
a very large number of people who bring related articles for sale,
also many craft and hobby booths to satisfy all who come. We have
made arrangements for a Bar-b-que Porkchop & Chicken food tent,
which has become very famous throughout Northern Illinois,
Fay’s Bar-b-que, to help serve the many people who come, there
will also be other food and drinks available. We have felt this has
been one of our short comings in our past shows, so hope this will
correct this.
Gordon Gerguson and Dave Karl beside Gordon’s early Reid
engine and at right, another rare engine shown by Leroy Deloughery,
Morris, Illinois.
This is Philip Emma with a very rare hot air engine. Notice the
fan on the crank shaft.
This is a very rare large side shaft Independence engine made in
Piano, Illinois, 5 miles East of Sandwich.
I didn’t get this fellow’s name – he’s got a
wonderful smile, though he should have. – That is a very nice
Chanticleer engine there, not too many of them left.
There are many other activities being planned for the show, but
are incomplete at this time, so I cannot enumerate on them, but
I’m sure all who come will enjoy them.
Once again I cannot express the many thanks that we as a club
wish to extend to all who have helped to make our past shows such a
success. The people involved in the engine and car clubs are just
fantastic, people who enjoy one another; there are no barriers
between young and old, all have something to offer one another. If
you don’t believe it just attend one of the many shows
throughout the country and just watch, you’ll see.
Our show this year will be held on the last Sunday of June, the
27th, we do hope to see many new faces there and sure do hope that
the good friends’ that have been with us in the past do come.
Come early and stay as long as you can, we sure enjoy seeing