145 Chamberlain Road, Broad Brook, Connecticut 06016.
A while back I wrote GEM about possibly writing something about
fueling old engines designed for leaded gasoline, that is mostly
prohibited by government dictate. I came across a pamphlet that
might be of interest to readers, titled ‘Questions and Answers
About Gasoline’. Readers can get it by writing to: Council of
Better Business Bureaus, Inc., 1515 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA.
22209, requesting Publication #24-220, A250486.
I’ve also sent a picture of my 40’s vintage KB8 I.H.C.
truck, a 6 HP Fairbanks-Morse engine and F&W pump jack
manufactured in Kendallville, Indiana.
I tried to set it up to illustrate the flagrant contempt and
lack of justice for property owners and the waste of creative minds
and property, by our so-called Public Servants in the
‘Constitution State’, Connecticut. The truck doors read:
‘Reinstate Property Rights’, the bumper ‘Free Creative
Minds’. The back has ‘Force Protective Laws & Overrule,
Imprison Lawless Police State Judges’. A sign on the roof says,
‘Our Justice is as Useless as This Mechanism-Just Stall and
Blow $$$$$$$$$$$$ (dollar signs did not show up very clearly).
There are dollar signs on the arms of the jack pump that fly around
when the pump is running.
I used to take the rig to area engine shows, where it received
considerable attention, until registration by MVD got to be too
prohibitively high, even for antiques registration.
One ‘Law Day’ some of our Constitutionalists were going
to demonstrate in front of the State Capitol and Supreme Court
buildings, that face each other across the street. I drove the
truck around and around with the engine huffing and popping. The
Capitol Police were pretty stormed up but there wasn’t much
they could do, or did, about it.
Several of us were wearing tricorn hats. One official came out
and blasted me for polluting the air (the steam from the water to
cool the engine).