By Staff
Published on March 1, 1982
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#2- HP upright Maytag with Type 'G' carburetor.
#2- HP upright Maytag with Type 'G' carburetor.
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#1-Fruit Jar Model Maytag.
#1-Fruit Jar Model Maytag.
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#3-Maytag HP upright with magneto.
#3-Maytag HP upright with magneto.
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#4- HP water cooled Maytag.
#4- HP water cooled Maytag.

Marvin M. Frahm of Newman, Illinois has produced a very useful
paperback book titled ‘Maytag Multi-Motors,’ after two
years of work.

A real booster for Maytag engines, Marvin feels they are fast
‘coming their own’ and will soon become very popular with
serious gas engine collectors.

He has written the book especially for all new collectors, and
boys and girls who are interested in collecting old engines. They
will find a wealth of information in the 66 pages.

The book includes a history of the Maytag company; chapters on
specific models such as the ‘Fruit Jar’ and 72 twin
cylinder and others; Maytag accessories, values and collector’s
items, and dozens of photographs.

Frahm has had numerous complimentary letters from readers, many
of whom read about it in his ads in GEM. It is limited to 1,000
copies. Preparation of the book was a wholesome family project, and
we hope he sells out the whole 1,000.

To order, send $9.95 plus $1.45 for handling and postage to
Marvin M. Frahm, R.R. 2, Box 42, Newman, Illinois 61942.

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