72 Derick Drive Fishkill, NY 12524
Saturday, May 9, dawned clear and chilly. By 5 AM lines of late
consignors were noted, and over 1000 items were already tagged and
in place. Smoke was coming from the refreshment stand where
hundreds of sausage and pancake servings, plus gallons of coffee
were being prepared. In the headquarter building individuals were
up all night preparing and computerizing the many items already in
place, plus the names of all known consignors and bidders. It was
the first year for the computer which was a mixed blessing.
Promptly at 10 AM, under warm and sunny skies, the whistle
sounded and the auction began. During the nine hours of activity,
auctioneers Ed Friedman of Claverack, NY and John Lynch of
Amityville, NY sold 1188 items for $42,743. There was something
priced for everyone hundreds of items sold for under ten dollars.
Dozens of volunteers made the event possible. Without them this
auction could not be held.
The computer made possible for the first time a complete listing
and price of each and every item. Specific prices of selected items
are as noted.
Engines2 HP Jaeger (not running) $70, 1 HP Waterloo
$150, Cushman $125, 1 HP McCormick $175, Novo Upright $200, Stover
$150, 8 HP Thermoil $700, 6 HP Witte (stuck) $75, 1 HP Novo $325, 4
HP Leader $225, 3 HP Witte $175, 3 HP Maynard $375, 2 HP Sandow
$475, 1 HP Fairbanks $125, 2 HP Stover (not running) $60, Economy
(rough) $125, Taylor vacuum engine $220, 1 HP Fairbanks (rough)
$75, 2 HP Empire $175, Detroit $300, 5 HP Sattley $160, Gray $250,
Ideal (not running) $95, JD Power Unit $210, 1 HP Hercules $110,
Arco $170, Novo $500, 5 HP Jumbo $325, Hercules $ 120,
International $150, Leroy $125, Domestic $725, Jacobsen $55, 5 HP
American $200, Early Unknown $105, 10 HP Fairbanks $250, Sattley
$325, Associated $475, Stover $250, Fuller Johnson $375, Empire
$300, Bull Dog (stuck) $70, Fuller Johnson $220, Jaeger $140,
Associated $220, 6 HP Hercules (incomplete) $130, Delco Light Plant
$170, Novo (stuck) $95, Ottowa (stuck) $55, John Deere $300, United
$325, 6 HP Witte $425, Wisconsin Power Unit $175, Taylor Gas $175,
Maytag Model 94 $75, 1 HP Fuller Johnson $115, Empire $150, Novo
$225, Fuller Johnson $375, 1 HP Alamo (stuck) $30, De Laval $70, 6
HP Fairbanks (stuck) $125, 4 HP Stover (stuck) $125, Economy
(stuck) $50, Tulle Marine $25, Cushman $85, Taylor $250, Empire
$300, Hercules $140, Fuller Johnson $290, International Ice Engine
$160, 6 HP Titan $625.
OtherMud Sucker pump $50, PR McCormick rear steel $50,
JD rear steel wheels $80, Wagon frame $65, Clover cutter $50, Corn
sheller $50, butterchurn $85, Cider press $300, Sattley hand clutch
$55, Fuller and Kieth gas pump $140, Hendy metal shaper $60, Power
hacksaw $12, Forge with blower $25, Arbor press $15, Anvil $75, Ice
tongs $35, Cider press keg $75, Wood splitter $525, Cadet garden
tractor $50, Panzer garden tractor $150, Engine truck $55, 1895
Steam Gage Calibrater $600, 6 HP Lawnrider $70,12 volt winch $75,
Peters water pump $45, JD piston $60, Prentiss lathe $110, 6 oilers
$75, Motor bike $200, Farmall Cub Plow $75, Fairbanks mag $25, 3
mag generators $120, Platform scale $55, Foot powered lathe $75,
Oat crimper $45, Forge $45, Churn $60, 1920 boat and trailer $350,
Feed grinder $80, JD LA tractor $900, Allis Chalmer B tractor $500,
1941 Case tractor $350, Stover/Hardie spray pump $95, Corn
planter/tools $105, Silent Yardman mower $100, Tractor seat $30,
Cushman saw rig $375, Edison 2 volt cells $30, Chain binder $15,
Excelsior drill press $25, Jaeger pump $50, Meat grinder $60,
Gravely garden tractor $40, Anvil $35, Wheelhorse garden tractor
$375, Wagon $410, Jacobsen generator $130.
The writer would like to correspond with other individuals
involved in similar undertakings especially in utilization of the
This auction was the largest to date for this association. There
were 138 consignors and over 500 bidders present. The proceeds will
be utilized for new projects for the club grounds which now
consists of 27 acres, several storage buildings, refreshment stand,
blacksmith shop and a meeting hall. Regular meetings are held at
the show grounds, Fingar Road, Hudson, NY, just off Rts. 9 &
23,6 miles east of New York Thruway Exit 21, 3 miles east of Rip
Van Winkle Bridge3 miles south of Hudson, NY. The meetings are the
third Wednesday of each month, all are welcome. The annual auction
is held rain or shine, the second Saturday in May, and the annual
show is the first full weekend in August.