16 Prospect St., Salem, West Virginia 26426
I read the story in the January issue of GEM about the
Associated Pony engine and thought I should share my experiences
with one.
When I went to the Oil & Gas Festival at Sistersville, West
Virginia. I took my Maytag conversion engines and they drew a lot
of attention. My good friend, Richard McNabb from Beverly, Ohio,
liked my engines and he said that he had an engine at home that he
would give me to see what I could make out of it. Well, the next
show was at Volcano, West Virginia and he brought the engine to me
in a box in many pieces. Some of the parts were missing so I
started looking through my stock of parts to see what I could
substitute to get it together. The base was missing so I
substituted a Maytag long base and adopted the base plate to the
Maytag base. The carburetor was missing so I adopted a reed valve
where the magneto bracket bolts onto the block and then I used a
Lawn Boy carburetor with a string trimmer gas tank mounted above
the carburetor. I had to make a complete ignition system so I used
my own system of a commutator mounted in the flywheel and the
governor is also mounted in the wheel which breaks the ignition
ground when the desired speed is reached.
This was an interesting project and I thank my good friends
Richard Mc Nabb and Louie Bauerbock of Beverly, Ohio, for their
help at engine shows. I look forward to taking my Associated Maytag
Junk Yard Special to the engine shows next spring.