26 Mott Place Rockaway Boro, New Jersey 07866
This is a picture of a 1935 Jacobsen engine s/n M-2-583-15. This
engine has its original reduction drive, clutch, and exhaust
system. (Note clutch lever mounted on the exhaust manifold!) This
engine was built from patterns purchased from Johnson Motor Company
in 1934 and is basically, in design, a Johnson Utilimotor with a
Jacobsen ID plate! The engine uses a Wico type FG-A magneto, a
Tillotson A 2-B carb and reed assembly, and a Donaldson Company
(St. Paul, MN) optional air cleaner. Engine is grey with silver
head and cylinder, and black trim.
This engine is very similar to the one pictured on page 27,
upper right corner of Vol. 24 #12, December 1989 issue of the Gas
Engine Magazine. (Engine owned by Jennie Reynolds in an article
‘History of Johnson Motor Company by Duane M. Reynolds, same