president Gibson Tractor Club author of Vintage Garden Tractors
4200 Winwood Cr. Floyd Knobs, Indiana 47119
I obtained a copy of this book on September 18, 1996, after my
supervisor agreed to pick it up for me from a Walden Bookstore in
Carmel, Indiana, when I gave him a sob story about our local
Walden’s not having it in stock. Actually, when he first told
me about this book, I just knew he had to be pulling my leg,
knowing of my affinity for the mold tractors especially Gibsons,
that is!
It’s now October 2, 1996, and I’m up to the final
chapter but having ‘reader’s blockage’ nothing to do
with ‘writer’s ‘because I don’t want it to end
it’s too good!
Many times throughout I found myself saying hey he’s talking
about ME and I don’t even know the man especially when he
refers to various snafus and dumb things novice tractor restorers
Author Roger Welch, a noted writer, teacher, CBS Sunday Morning
commentator, and down-to-earth WC Allis nut, covers a wide range of
topics, from ‘getting started’ to tools, parts and
resources, with many funny anecdotes along the way.
Highly recommended reading! Attention old-iron-nut wives:
Definite stocking stuffer material! Published by Motor books
International in 1995. $14.95, 160 pages, soft cover.
Ed. Note: This book is available by mail order from a number of
sources advertising in this magazine.