1322 Parker Place Elk Grove Village, Ilinois 60007
I’m new in the hit and miss hobby. I bought my first 1927
Jaeger 2 HP engine last year. I worked on it over the winter and
completed it in the spring.
I started playing with engines at the early age of 12, when I
rode a 1946 Whizzer motor bike. All my spare time was spent trying
to get it to run!
From the Whizzers, I went to Cushman scooters, then to quarter
mile race cars, again building my own motors.
I’ve come a long way since then. I’m 52 years old now,
and I still play with fast cars and slow Whizzer motor bikes. I
have a ’63 Corvette slip-window, 11 Whizzer motor bikes, and
two Cushman motor scooters. I’m now adding a 1927 Jaeger hit
and miss to my collection.