Maytag Collectors Club, Eastern Division, Holds First Annual Reunion

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1993

10 State Route 103 Bluffton, Ohio 45817

From July 30th to August 2nd, 1992 the Eastern Division of the
Maytag Collectors Club held its first annual convention at the
Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Association show in Findlay,

There were more Maytag engines and equipment present than ever

The M.C.C. Meeting was held Saturday at 2:00 p.m., with 17
members representing four states.

The host show for 1993 will again be the Northwest Ohio Antique
Machinery Association Show, in Findlay, Ohio, to be held August 5,
6, 7, and 8. The show feature will be Maytag engines and equipment
and Oliver tractors. With the show feature of Maytag, and the
Maytag Collectors Club Reunion going on at the same time, this
should prove to be the largest gathering of Maytag east of the
Mississippi ever.

If you are a member of the Maytag Collectors Club, you are a
member of the Eastern Division also. There is no separate
membership fee for the Eastern Division.

See you at the National Maytag Col-lectors Club meeting at
Waukee, Iowa on Memorial weekend, and at the Eastern Division

For more information on the Maytag Collectors Club, write to
Maytag Collectors Club, 960 Reynolds Avenue, Ripon, CA 95366, or
for the Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Association check the
Steam and Gas Show Directory or send me a 29 cent stamp for a show

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