7964 Oakwood Park Court, St. Michaels, MD 21663
The Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association (MVMA) maintains a
Patent Library at their offices in the Albert Kahn Building in
Detroit. There are boxes of literature on many subjects: brakes,
electrical, bodies, transmissions, engines, etc. The literature is
preserved for patent reasons, in case some item can show prior use
of an idea. The boxes are clean and well-labeled, though the engine
boxes are rather scattered. The librarian is James Wren; I found
him very helpful. They are not staffed to respond to letters or
phone calls, but anyone may visit the library and use it.
Each box contains literature for a period of one to three years.
Within each box, literature is divided into specific years by
folders. The ‘engine’ boxes contain literature on car,
truck, tractor, and marine engines. I took notes on only the marine
engines except for a few others that were of special interest to
me. The items below are catalogs unless otherwise noted. Markings
show that most items were picked up at trade shows.
1910-12 Box
1911 Jenceck Motor Manufacturing Co., Port Chester, NY. 4-page
folder. T-head; 4 cyl 5 x 5?, 40 HP and 6 cyl 7? x 7?, 150 HP.
1912 Gray instruction book. Hard back. Good cross sections
of Schebler and Krice carbs. They called the Krice a ‘puddle
1912 Loew Mfg. Co., Cleveland. T-head, 1-6 cyl and a 4-cyl en
bloc engine.
1912 Bridgeport Motor Co., Bridgeport, CT. 2 cycle, 1-3 cyl
1912 Paragon folder. Has pictures of these engines: Turtle,
Emerson, Holmes, Ideal, Missouri, Vim, Van Blerck, Atlantic, Eagle,
Mianus, Pilot, Aristo, Scripps, Anderson, Frisbie, Royal, Gray,
Doman, Lathrop, Remington (oil eng), Canadian FM, Redwing, Mercury,
Bridgeport, Fulton, Greenport, Knox, HFL, Trebert, Kent, Clay. All
the engines pictured have 2 or more cylinders. Listed without
pictures are: Demooy, Miller, Oakland, Ithaca, Emery, Teel, Barker,
Bath, Fay & Bowen, Kennebec, Smalley, Lawley, Oriole, Hartford,
Brown, Kahlenberg.
1912 Ferro catalog, and a large book: ‘A Practical
1911 Turtle folder. 2 cycle 1-4 cylinders. Has dual
transfer passages and dual piston baffles. Radically offset
1912 Scripps. L-head, 1 -6 cylinders.
1911 Reynolds Motor Co., Detroit. Rotary valve 4 cycle 4
cylinder 15-20 HP. Mech lubricator with 7 lines. Emerson dual
1911 Automatic Machine Co., Bridgeport, CT. ‘The
Automatic.’ 2 and 4 cycle. Catalog includes a marine gas
1911 flyer on ‘Simple Simon’ hopper-cooled engines.
‘Armstrong’ on hopper. Motsinger friction drive magneto
against flywheel. Interesting because the flyer had been mailed to
a marine engine maker, the Hettinger Engine Co.
1910 & 1911 Eagle Co. catalogs. Newark, NJ. 2 cycle,
1-4 cylinders. M&B or Perfex JS. Schebler.
1911 V. J. Emery, Wollaston, CT. L-head, 1-4 cylinders.
1910 & 1911 Bridgeport catalogs.
1911 Pennsylvania Iron Works. ‘Globe’ large T-head
1911 Buffalo. 2-100 HP, L-head.
1910 Elbridge marine eng catalog and 1911 Elbridge aero eng
catalog. 1-6 cyl, 10 – 90 HP. Engines similar except copper jackets
on aero and iron with removeable heads on marine engines. Schebler
model L.
1910 S. M. Jones, Toledo, Ohio. Large 4 cycle ‘Ralaco Silent
1910 Standard Gas Engine Co. Buffalo, NY. Founded 1901. Catalog
in Spanish. 4 cycle. Some large M&B engines.
1910 Sterling Engine Co., Buffalo, NY. 4 cycle, 2-8 cyl, 8-240
1910 Standard Motor Construction Co., Jersey City. 8-2000 HP, 4
cycle. Has vaporizer – a very crude looking carb. Governor to
prevent racing should clutch fail.
1910 Vim Motor Mfg. Co., Sandusky, OH. 2 cycle, 1-4 cylinders.
Kingston. Jump spark.
1913-1916 Box
1913 Model Gas Engine Works, Peru, In. Carter piston valve
engine, 4 cyl 4 cycle. Not marine as shown, but an interesting
1913 Roberts Motor Co., Sandusky, Oh. Excellent catalog. All 2
cycle 1-6 cyl, 3-125 HP. Largest is for racing. Kingston 5-ball
carb in every picture.
1913 Regal Gasoline Engine Co., Coldwater, Mi. Fine 45 page
catalog. Models are: FA, TA, FB, TB, FC, T, ZB, Z, A, B, S. Also an
engine with cylinders in pairs for automotive use. Some of the
Schebler carbs shown have a piston valve throttle.
1913 Vulcan Engine Works, Philadelphia. 4 cycle; 1, 2, 4, 6 cyl
to 70 HP. T-head, exposed timing gears, enclosed cams,
At-water-Kent ignition.
1913 Gray Motor Co., Detroit. Pocket catalog. All engines 2
1913 Kermath Mfg Co., Detroit. Very attractive 8-page booklet on
12 HP marine engine, ‘The Kermath’. 4 cyl L-head; cylinders
in pairs. Kingston magneto. ‘Twelve years ago Mr. James Kermath
built the first 1500 Auto Marine 1? HP engines that were put on the
market and built them in his factory. Since that time Mr. Kermath
has built thousands of engines of all sizes and types.’ I
believe the 12 HP engine was the first to bear his name.
1913 Lowe Mfg. Co., Cleveland. Five catalogs cover a line of
T-head engines, 1-6 cyl. Offered electric starting.
1913 Sterling Engine Co., Buffalo. Small catalog; T-head, 8-180
1914 Waterman Marine Motor Co., Detroit. Very good catalog on
inboards; no outboards shown. K (2? x 3) in 1 & 2 cylinders and
B (4 x 4) in 1, 2, & 4 cyl. All with brass jackets. Kingston
5-ball carb. Picture of Sintz reversing prop.
1915 Gray & Prior Machine Co., Hartford, Ct. 4 cyl
L-head. Windows in side cover.
1915 Palmer grey 1914-15 catalog.
1915 Carlyle Johnson Machine Co., Manchester, Ct. The
‘Bud-E,’ 2 cyl 2 cycle. Several pictures of a canoe powered
by the Bud-E.
1915 Auto Engine Works, St. Paul, Min. ‘The Capital,’ 4
cyl 24 HP. Looks like a converted car engine. (This company built
‘Capital’ reverse gears.)
1915 Pittsburg Model Engine Co., Pitts-burg. Factories in
Pittsburg and Peru, In. 2? x 4? L-head engine, not marine. Listed
elsewhere as Model Engine Co., Peru. Another catalog on the
‘Mogul’ 4 cyl L-head 5 x 6, 46 HP, separate cylinders.
1915 Wolverine Motor Works, Bridgeport. Large 6 cyl 200 HP
marine engines. Oil or producer gas.
1915 Kermath Mfg. Co., Detroit. 8-page catalog devoted to the
new model 20; 20 HP. 4 cyl.
1915 Scripps Motor Co., Detroit. Attractive small catalog;
2, 4, 6 cyl to 50 HP.
1916 Peerless Marine Motor Co., Buffalo. Line of T-head
engines. Some have combination starter-generator chain driven from
crank. New ‘Peerless’; cylinders en bloc; 5 x 6; 35 HP at
850 rpm. Separate starter & generator.
1916 Niagara Motor Corp., Buffalo. T-head, 2, 4, 6 cyl,
5-150 HP.
1916-18 Box
1917 Sterling Engine Co., Buffalo, NY, 4 cycle, 4-8 cyl,
1917 Witte catalog of hopper-cooled engines; large fine
1917 Fay & Bowen instruction book.
1917 folder on the Gnome rotary aero engine.
1917 Photograph of the Ferro automobile engine, a V8.
1918 Gray. Small catalog.
1918 Sterling. Large engines.
1918 booklet on the Liberty aero engine, published by
1918 Van Blerck Motor Co., New York City. 5? x 6; 4, 6, 8 cyl.
1000-1500 rpm. 200 HP for the 8; A large, arty catalog.
1918 Bridgeport catalog.
1919 Box
1919 Caille 5-Speed Motor (outboard); owner’s
1919 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago. ‘C-O’ marine
oil engines, 30-300 HP. 2 cycle; electric glow plugs for
1919 Fay & Bowen Co., Geneva, NY. 4 & 6 cylinder 4
cycle, 17-75 HP.
1919 The Marmon Co., Chicago; Marco light plant.
1919 Dusenberg Motors Corp., New York City; ‘Constructors to
the US government’; 6 & 8 cyl marine, 6? x 7?, 260 &
360 HP.
1919 J. W. Lathrop & Co., Mystic, Ct. Pocket folder
describing line.
1919 Sterling Engine Co., Buffalo, NY; Loose-leaf binder; 4
cycle, 2-8 cyl, 10-300 HP. Model D is for work boats, 2 cyl, 5? x
7, 15 HP at 500 rpm.
1919 Red Wing Motor Co., Red Wing, Mn; pocket folder with price
1919 Frisbie Motor Co., Middletown, Ct; catalog No. 16. Valve in
head engines with valves in removable ‘gauges.’ Slowdown
attachment for trolling; it increases valve lash. 1 cyl 7 HP at 500
rpm. 4 cyl to 75 HP. Drip or mechanical lubricators. Large engines
return used oil to the lubricator.
1919 Palmer Bros Inc., Cos Cob, Ct.
1920 Box
1920 Peerless Marine Motor Corp., Buffalo. 1, 2, 4 cylinder
L-head; non-remove-able heads; 5-50 HP.
1920 Aeromarine Plane & Motor Co., Keyport, NJ. 1, 2, 4, 6
cyl L-head with piston valves. 2 catalogs.
1920 Hall-Scott Motor Car Co., Berkeley, CA. 6 cyl racing
engine, probably one bank of WW1 Liberty engine.
1920 Niagara Motor Corp., Dunkirk, NY. 12 HP 2 cyl to 160 HP
straight 8.
1920 Wolverine Motor Works, Inc., Bridgeport, CT. 4 cycle, 5-200
1920 Wright Machine Co., Owensboro, KY. 10-90 HP
1920 Wisconsin Motor Co., Milwaukee, WI
1920 Fay & Bowen Engine Co., Geneva, NY. 2 catalogs. Also
built boats.
1920 Arrow Machine & Mfg. Co., Newark, NJ. Had acquired
Waterman. Model K, 1-2 cyl.
1920 The Clay Engine Co., Cleveland. ‘Honest Clay’, 6-50
HP. 4 cycle.
1920 The Barker Factory, Norwalk, CT. 2 cycle, M&B, 1-2
cyl, 4-27 HP.
1920 Van Blerck Motor Co., Detroit. 4, 6, 8 cylinders, to 200
1920 Bridgeport Motor Co., Bridgeport, CT. Several loose
1920 Disappearing Propellor Boat Co., N. Tonawanda, NY.
‘Dis-Pro’ 1 cyl 2 cycle 3 HP. Long list of boat
builders using their prop mechanism.
1920 Dodge Mfg. Co., Mishawauka, IN. Heavy oil engines, 12? to
75 HP. Formerly ‘Burnoil’ engines.
1920 Camden Anchor-Rockland Mach. Co., Camden, ME.
‘Knox’ model G, 6-16 HP.
1920 Vulcan Engine Works, Philadelphia. 4 cycle 1-4 cyl., 4-75
1920 W. C. Disbrow, Jr., New York, NY. 4 cycle 4 cyl 37
1920 H. C. Doman Co., Oshkosh, Wl. 1-2 cyl T-head
1920 C. N. Cady Co., Canastota, NY. 1-2 cyl 2 cycle plus a
Cady-Ford, a neatly converted Ford T.
1920 Auto Engine Works, St. Paul, MN. 4 cyl 4 cycle, fixed
heads. 2 sizes.
1920 Regal Engine Works, Coldwater, MI. 1, 2, 4 cyl 4 cycle in 5
cylinder sizes.
1920 New York Yacht, Launch, & Engine Co., Morris Heights,
NY. 2, 4, 6 cyl 4 cycle.
1920 Red Wing Motor Co., Red Wing, MN. Models F & B have 4
cylinders cast en block.; A is 2 cylinders; AA is a 4 with pairs of
1920 Caille Perfection Motor Co., Detroit. 1, 2, 4 cyl 2 cycle;
Some rowboat motors including the ‘Liberty Drive Row-boat
Motor’ with straight shaft over the transome.
1920 Bridgeport Motor Co., Bridgeport, CT.
1920 Knox Motor Associates, Springfield, MA. 4 cyl
1920 The JVB Engine Co., Cleveland. Joseph Van Blerck, Pres. 4
cyl valve-in-head, ‘a new marine motor’. An ELCO folder
states that they are using the JVB.
1920 Loane Engineering Co., Baltimore. 1-2 cyl 4 cycle; vertical
camshaft with face-cams for exhaust rocker arm. Suction intake.
1920 Miller Engine Co., Chicago. 1, 2, 4 cyl L-head, 4-50
1920 Frisbie Engine Co., Middletown, Ct. 1-6 cyl, valve-in-head;
5-75 HP.
1920 Mianus, including a heavy oil engine.
1920 Gray.
1921-22 Box
1921 Royal Engine Co., West Mystic, Ct; pocket catalog.
1-4 cyl, L-head. Singles are model FA (4 HP), VA (5 HP), EA (7 HP),
JA (9 HP).
1921 Torrey Roller Bearing Co., Bath, ME. ‘Kennebeck’ 2
cycle, 1-3 cyl, M&B or JS.
1921 Sterling Engine Co., Buffalo, NY
1921 instruction book for Fairmont Railway Motors.
1921 Gray. The early 2 cycles are shown plus a new OHV 4
cylinder. The four is a rather ugly engine with a very high rocker
arm cover.
1921 Gray catalog showing the Gray-Beall automotive engine; a
good-looking OHV design.
1921 Palmer pocket catalog.
1921 Wolverine. Bridgeport large engines.
1921 New York Yacht, Launch, and Engine Co., Morris Heights, NY.
A single sheet showing their ’20th Century’ engines, 6? x
8?; 2, 4, 6 cylinders.
1921 Murray & Tregurtha Corp., Atlantic, MA. Large
1921 Collis Co., Clinton, IA. A vertical stationary engine
with the radiator in the flywheel. The flywheel looks like that of
a Delco Light Plant but with a radiator core instead of blades.
Centrifugal force carries air through the core. Pipes to rotary
seals at end of crankshaft.
1922 Sterling. New OHV models, 150 & 200 HP.
1922 Fay & Bowen 4 cylinder. Looks like earlier engine
except startergen, added.
1922 Hall-Scott. Looks like half a Liberty. Line 6.
1922 Frisbie. 4 cycle, 1 -6 cyl.
1922 H. C. Doman Co., single sheet on 5-7 HP T-head single
1922 Gray. A sheet on 2 cycle engines and another on their OHV
engines which now look like the automotive engine. See Gray entries
for 1921.
1922 Peerless Marine Motor Co., Buffalo. 4 cylinder, 5×7.
1922 Scripps pocket catalog.
1922 Doman; sheets on 4 cylinder model.
1922 Frisbie. Sheets on their model T; OHV, 4? x 5, 2-6
1922 Ultra Six Marine Engine Co., Chicago. The ‘Ultra
Six’. 30 HP. Modern-looking as block and crankcase are one
1922 Bridgeport pocket catalog.
1923-25 box
1923 Scripps Motor Co., Detroit. Pocket catalog. 10-100
1923 Stearns Motor Mfg. Co., Luddington, Mi. 4 cylinder engines
in 8 models, 2 series, 25-150 HP. Top of line is new 16 valve
engine, 150 HP at 1850 rpm. Loose cross-section of the new
1923 Sterling Engine Co., Buffalo, NY. 3 catalogs, each on
a different model. 6 cyl overhead cam ‘Sea Girl’ engine
rated up to 300 HP. 2 cyl heavy duty ‘Neptune’ L-head,
12-15 HP. The ‘Dolphin’ line; push rods, 4 valves per
1923 Universal Motor Co., Oshkosh, WI. 2 folders on their 4 cyl
12 HP engine. This is their only model.
1923 New Jersey Motors, Inc., Keyport, NJ. Two 4 cyl models, 15
& 20 HP.
1923 J. W. Brooke & Co., England. 2 cycle 3 HP model and 4
cycle engines 4-120 HP. Look primitive for 1923.
1923 Bridgeport Motor Co, Bridgeport, CT. 1 & 2 cyl 2 cycle
and 1-3 cyl 4 cycle.
1923 Miller Engine Co., Chicago. L-head, 1-4 cyl 4-50 HP.
1923 Knudsen Motor Co., Milwaukee. Interesting ship diesel. 4
cyl 2 cycle, inverted Vee. Two cranks geared together; Cylinders
share a combustion chamber.
1923 Wisconsin Motor Mfg Co., Milwaukee. Packet catalog. Two 4
cyl models, one 6 cyl model.
1923 Kermath Mfg Co., Detroit. 1 and 2 cylinder small
engines. 4 cyl models are a 10-12 HP with cylinders in pairs; the
20-25 HP with cylinders in one casting; and 35 and 50 HP models
with removeable heads. Mag or battery, starter & generator
1924 Ailsa Craig Motor Co., England. Small 2 & 4 cyl
OHC engine. Starting crank on camshaft.
1924 Frazer Bros Co., Adams, NY. G. W. Frazer, J. H. Frazer,
‘Frazer-Adams’ 1 & 2 cyl 2 cycle 3 port.
1924 Gray Marine Motor Co., Detroit. 1 & 2 cyl 2 cycle with
good x-sections. Also a pocket book showing entire line.
1924 Cady. 1&2 cyl 2 cycle 3-port engines plus the
‘Cadyford,’ a Model T conversion.
1924 Standard Marine Construction Co., Jersey City, NJ. New 6
cyl, 40 HP at 1000 rpm. Also large ship engines.
1924 Hall-Scott Motor Co., Inc. 6 cyl 200 HP; looks like one
bank of a Liberty.
1924 Frisbie Motor Co., Middletown, Ct. Excellent catalog plus 2
loose sheets.
1924 Evinrude 1 & 2 cyl inboards. 2 cyl is a new model.
Johnson reverse gear available.
1924 Walter D. Fair & Co., England. 1 & 2 cyl 2 cycle.
Appear to be the Waterman design. Catalog says they have been
building these engines for 5 years (since WWI). High starting crank
with chain to crankshaft. Available with reverse gear or with
reversing prop.
1924 Mianus Diesel Engine Co, Stamford, Ct. Booklet of text
1924 New Jersey Motors, Inc., Keyport, NJ. Pocket catalog.
1924 Joseph VanBlerck Engine Corp, Plainfield, NJ. 2, 4, 6,
& 8 cyl engines, all 5? x 6. They share a lot of parts as
cylinders are in pairs.
1924 J. W. Brooke&Co., England. 4 cyl L-head 12 HP.
‘Empire’; ‘all British.’ Looks like a Universal
under license.
1924 J. W. Lathrop & Co., Mystic, Ct. two catalogs, one is
1924 Kermath Mfg Co., Detroit. Folder devoted to the 35 & 50
HP models.
1924 Universal Motor Co., Oshkosh, Wi. The 12 HP engine
‘refined for 1924.’ Has crank chain enclosed, unlike the
open chain shown in the 1923 catalog.
1924 E. D. & A. F. Cronk, Inc., Ithaca, NY. The
‘Croford’, a Ford T conversion; aluminum water-cooled sump;
80% reverse gear fitted into the Ford trans. housing (probably all
Ford gears).
1924 Gleniffe Motors, Ltd., Glasgow. Six folders on their
various models, 12? -90 HP.
1924 Hall-Scott; shows new 4-cylinder engine that seems to be
based on the Liberty engine.
1924 Red Wing Motor Co., Red Wing, Min.; Excellent catalog;
1 cyl model K, 2 cyl KK, 4 cyl D, A, AA, F, and B. Crank with chain
or electric start on 4 cyl models. D offered with geared
combination starter -generator. D, F, and B have removeable
1925 Fay & Bowen Engine Co., Geneva, NY. Folders on their
various 4 cyl L-head engines.
1925 Foos Gas Engine Co., Springfield, OH. 4 loose sheets of
drawings including X-sections. Oil engines, 30-400 HP.
1925 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago. Diesel engines. 3
booklets; operation and construction; comparison of diesel engine
1925 Frisbie Motor Co., Middletown, Ct. Sheet on their new model
S; 4 cyl. OHV, 4 x 5; 25 HP at 900 rpm.
1925 Mianus Diesel Engine Co., New York, NY. Sheet says
this company is successor to Mianus Motor Works, builders of Mianus
gasoline engines since 1899 and builders of Mianus diesel engines
since 1919. Folder shows entire line with pictures; both gasoline
and diesel.
1926 Bridgeport Motor Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Ct. Pocket catalog;
no changes since previous year.
1926 Gray Motor Co., Detroit. Folder showing: U 2 cyl 2 cycle
3-port; V 4 cyl 4 cycle push rod engine; Z 4 cyl L-head 25 HP; Z
14-20 HP has lots of aluminum and reverse gear on flywheel end.
(Why two model Z’s? The 20 HP one looks to be a Ford T
1925 H. L. Brown & Assoc., New York, NY. Dealers; they offer
the Anzani (imported?); Lycoming 4, 6, 8 cyl; the Shark
(imported?). No pictures.
1925 Hall-Scott Motor Co., Berkeley, Ca. 4-page folder; no
changes from previous catalog.
1925 Hill Diesel Engine Co., Lansing, Mi., R. E. Olds, Chairman;
4-page folder; 4 cycle diesels, 1 – 4 cyl 8-30 HP; good X-section
of the fuel valve. Also a bulletin showing an engine used as ship
auxiliary. ‘Successor to Bates & Edmonds Motor Co.
-incorporated 1899.’
1925 Loew Mfg. Co., Cleveland. 4-page folder; 8 models, all with
Knight sleeve-valve design.
1925 Lockwood-Ash Motor Co., Jackson, Mi. Large sheet on their
twin cyl rudder-steer outbard, 3 HP.
1925 Kermath Mfg Co., Detroit. 8-page folder. New for 1925 in an
L-head six rated up to 100 HP. Other models are the 20-25, 16, 18,
35, 50, and 70, all 4 cyl. The original 10-12 HP engine seems to
have been dropped.
1925 Mianus. Six separate 4-page folders on their various
1925 Wright Aeronautical Corp., Patterson, NJ. Engines for Gold
Cup racing; V8 or V12; air or water cooled; to 600 HP.
1925 Belle Isle – Hacker Boat Sales Co., Detroit. 4-page folder
showing Hall-Scott and Scripps engines.
1925 Peerless Marine Motor Co., Buffalo. L-head, 5×7, 4&6
cyl. ‘Buffalo’ cast in the side covers.
1925 Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit. Conversion of 6 cyl L-head
car engine, 45 HP.
1925 Otis Engine Corp, New York, NY. Conversion of Fordson
tractor engine. Minimum conversion – no manifold cooling.
1925 J. H. Perrine, Barnegat, NJ. Single sheet. Conversion of T
Ford engine; minimum conversion with bare T flywheel, Detroit gear
on other end; no manifold cooling.
1925 Red Wing Motor Co. Single sheet showing their line.
1925 Automatic Machine Co., Bridgeport, Ct. Single sheet showing
their line of marine oil engines, 20-70 HP.
1925 Stearns Motor Mfg. Co., Ludington, Mi. 4-page folder of art
about their 4 cyl engine. Little detail. Established 1909.
1925 Caille Perfection Motor Co., Detroit. Catalog 124, a large,
excellent catalog of their marine and rowboat motors. 2 pages on
the Liberty Twin. ‘Bantam’ inboards based on their rowboat
motors. A ‘kerosene feeder’ for 2 cycle . engines, admitted
kerosene into the transfer passage. All 2 cycle except the 4 cyl 4
cycle ‘Aristocrat’; it has cylinders in pairs,
non-removeable heads, combination starter-generator.
1925 Elto Outboard Motor Co., Milwaukee. 4-page sheet on the 3
HP, ‘Ole Evinrude’s latest’. Rudder steering.
1925 Sterling Engine Co., Milwaukee. No visible changes for
Boxes not examined: 1926-27, 1928-29.