A Time for Late Season Harvest, Festivals and Annual Meetings

By Staff
Published on November 1, 1966
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Photo courtesy of William Gayer, Rock Valley, Iowa.
Photo courtesy of William Gayer, Rock Valley, Iowa.
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Photo courtesy of William Gayer, Rock Valley, Iowa.
Photo courtesy of William Gayer, Rock Valley, Iowa.
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Photo courtesy of Ben L. Wilson, Hastings, Iowa.
Photo courtesy of Ben L. Wilson, Hastings, Iowa.
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Photo courtesy of William J. Earl, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.
Photo courtesy of William J. Earl, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.

Ladies Page shares news about the magazine’s one year anniversary, the late season harvest and local festivals.

This issue of the Gas Engine Magazine marks the end of its first
year of publication. Congratulations! I know the local response has
been good and that everyone enjoys reading it. You can help to
continue its popularity and interest by sending in pictures and
stories. They are always needed.

This is the late season harvest time of the year. On driving through the
country you see dry beans pulled waiting to be threshed, corn being
cut to fill the silos, pumpkins piled by the side of the road
waiting for children to make all sorts of funny faces for
Halloween, and road side markets filled to overflowing with
peaches, pears and apples. It is the time for the busy housewife to
fill the air with all sorts of fragrant odors. The smell of
pickles, spicy catsup and chili sauce fill the air. It is the time
for annual grape and apple festivals. It is the time for the annual
foliage tours through the countryside to view the work Mother
Nature has done in painting the leaves so many beautiful colors
before they fall and are covered by the snow. It is the time when
many of our elderly friends follow the wild geese and other birds
to a warmer climate. It is the time to pause for a little while in
our busy lives and to give thanks for all our many blessings.

All of our local reunions are over for this year. They are
enjoyed so much, we are all sorry to have them gone. It is the time
for the annual meetings and the new officers who will take over and
make plans for bigger and better shows for next year.

At our house, we are in the process of changing from oil heat to
bottled gas heat. We expect it to be a little more costly but the
cleanliness and convenience will make up for that. Paul is looking
forward to using his garden tractor and the snow blower. (Not a
very pleasant thought). Even a neighbor was over the other day and
said he wished it would snow so he could see how it worked. Hope
they enjoy it as much the end of the winter as they expect to do
now. Where I work we are real busy now and a six day week is
common. Two-thirds of our business is done between September and
Christmas and the other third is between January and June, so it is
not spread very even. We process school pictures which are sent
from all over the country.

I believe that a ladies page should have a recipe once in a
while. This is one for a chocolate cake which is very easy to make
and turns out dark and moist every time. It makes a small cake or
twelve cup cakes. I have used it for both loaf and layer cakes and
have even doubled it.

Never Fail Cake Recipe

1 egg
1 cup cocoa
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup shortening
1 cup sour milk or buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup hot water

Put all ingredients in mixing
bowl. Do not mix until all items are added. Then beat well, at
least two minutes. Bake in oven 350 degrees about 30 minutes or until

Hope you will try the cake. I know your men folks will like it.
Until next time — “You can’t climb the ladder of life with
your hands in your pockets.”

This is part of the Paul Mansbach Estate sale, Huron South Dakota, held on October 23, 1965. This is a Gas Engine on a Railroad express truck.

This is a line of gas engines of Paul Mansbach Estate sale in Huron, South Dakota. The Armour packing plant is in the background.

1906 3 hp Stickney.

Here is a picture of a Waterloo Champion Separator, Ebersol Feeder, 33 foot cylinder by 54 foot body.

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