1532 N. Highway 47, Marthasville, Missouri 63357. e-mail:
In 1995 I purchased a 5 HP Julien (see photo #1) from Bob King
in Princeton, Ontario. This has been a five year learning
experience. Bob talked about making nuts and bolts to fit the
engine and I couldn’t figure out why he was making nuts and
bolts. At this point I did not know that ?’-12 threads existed,
but I soon found out that all the ?’ threads on this engine
were ?’ -12.
While at Bob’s I saw engines that were all built by Julien
with names like Dorchester (see photo #2), Samson (see photo#3) and
one engine without a name (see photo #4) Bob also told me later
that he believes that there is a Julien named Morin. I called Bob
to ask him if it was okay to use the photos I took at his house and
he told me he now has a Morin.
After working on the engine I decided I would like to find out
about Julien engines. This has been rather difficult and most of
what I’ve learned has been from individuals and magazine
articles. The newest info has come from the Internet. I was told
about a website that had Goold Shapely &. Muir info and found a
Julien shed with photos of four Juliens. It’s the first time
I’ve seen photos and documentation on this many engines at one
location. (Website address:
During this period I decided that I would like to come up with a
Julien Register to try and find out how many and what names are on
the engines that are still in existence. I have seen a few Julien
and Dorchesters, but only one Samson and I have never seen a
In order to compile the Register, I would like to ask GEM
readers to send me all the info they have on Julien engines. After
I have compiled the info I will send a copy to people who have sent
me information. I would like the serial number, horsepower, year
built and name on cover plus any other pertinent information.
Thanks in advance.
The tag information on the Julien I have is: LA CIE CHS. A.
YEAR. Name on the engine: Julien (see photo #1).