By Staff
Published on September 1, 1981
article image
Carol Durell
Being used to combine soy beans. Courtesy of Carol Durell, Georgetown, Illinois 61846.

I don’t know how many of you remember the short article on
Kenneth’s Hobbies that came out in the September-October issue
1980 Gas Engine Magazine, but we were all sitting around his home
this last Thanksgiving and there on the wall hung an old picture
that I believe many would enjoy hearing about and seeing.

Way back in 1927, Kenneth’s Dad, John Durell, bought and
introduced to Posy County, the first combine in the area. In the
photograph, it is being used to combine soy beans which also were
not grown much, and of course, at that time, were definitely not a
major crop.

Kenneth’s brother, Charles Durell, is on a 1927 20-30 Wallis
tractor, Kenneth Durell is on the 1926 Massey Harris Combine #9,
and their Dad, John Durell, is on the wagon.

This farm has been a Durell farm since 1868 and was the first
one in the area to go modern with the use of tractors, combines,
and the planting of soy beans.

Kenneth and his wife, Aleeta, still reside on the farm and
Kenneth is still very active in wheeling and dealing in antique
tractors. Since the last article was written he has raised the
count of running tractors from 27 to 30 and as I sit here writing
this he is busy on number 31.

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