3510 Brooklake Rd. Brooks, OR 97303.
The following are the minutes of EDGE&TA’s National
meeting, as recorded by secretary Menno Kliewer:
The 31st annual meeting of the EDGE&TA was held on August
17th, 1991 at the Cowley County Fairgrounds in Winfield, Kansas and
hosted by Branch #11.
At precisely 7:00 P.M. Floyd Moore, president of Branch #11,
welcomed all EDGE&TA members as their guests and expressed
appreciation for their attendance and then turned the meeting over
to President, Jack Versteeg who in turn called the meeting to
order. A prayer was offered by Vice President, Del Seuser.
Roll call was taken of Branches #1 through #35 with a final
total of 139 members attending.
Branch #1,2; Branch #2, 0; Branch #3,2; Branch #4, 1; Branch
#5,1; Branch #6, 1; Branch #7,0; Branch #8, 9; Branch #9, 3; Branch
#10, 2; Branch #11, 24; Branch #12, 5; Branch #13, 5; Branch #14,
3; Branch #15, 4; Branch #16, 35; Branch #17, 5; Branch #18, 2;
Branch #19, 5; Branch #20, 4; Branch #21,1; Branch #22, 0; Branch
#23, 0; Branch #24, 0; Branch #25, 5; Branch #26, 3; Branch #27,1;
Branch #28, 8; Branch #29, 0; Branch #30, 0; Branch #31,1; Branch
#32, 2; Branch #33, 1; Branch #34, 0; Branch #35, 0.
Copies of the 1990 minutes were distributed and presented. It
was M/S/C that these minutes stand approved as presented. Copies of
the 1990-91 treasurers report were likewise distributed and
presented. It was M/S/C that this report stand approved as
President Versteeg called attention to complaints from members
not receiving National News. He stated that monthly news releases
were being issued to all branch officers and it was their
responsibility to forward this material to their members. This is
not being accomplished and he asked all officers for greater
The need was presented to change the amendments to the by-laws
and DELETE the phrase ‘that nominations from the floor be
accepted at elections’ as this is not workable and was on
oversight by the National officers at the 1990 meeting. M/S/C.
The need for re-districting our East-West regions for a better
balance of location of branches was presented. It was proposed that
we establish a new East-West, beginning at a point on the Canadian
border and follow the Western borders of North Dakota, South
Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, ending at the Mexico
border. At present there are six branches East and 29 West. This
change would place 14 branches East and 21 branches West. It was
M/S/C that we change the by-laws to read as such.
It was M/S/C that in case of a tie during the election of
officers, that the chairman of the nomination committee toss a coin
to determine the winner.
We’ll continue the minutes in next month’s column. A
good holiday to all from EDGE&TA.