Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association

By Staff
Published on December 1, 1995

Rt 2, Box 167A Republic, Missouri 65738

As the 1995 show season comes to an end, the National Meeting
and four Regionals have been held. The Southeast Regional was
hosted by Branch 28 at Cabool, Missouri, August 11 & 12, 1995.
It was hot 95-110 degrees. The hot weather hurt the crowd, but
overall it was a good show. There was a good display of engines and
tractors. Also, the tractor pull was well attended. The Branches
that were represented at the Southeast Regional were 16, 19, 28,
32, 40 and 44. Also present was the East Region Director, Jerry
Wymore and his wife Carol. Thanks to David Melton, President, and
all the members of Branch 28 for the hard work and planning it took
to prepare to host the Southeast Regional. Also, thanks to Ronald
Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer of Branch 28 for taking the minutes of
the meeting.

The Northwest Regional was hosted by Branch 21, Klamath Falls,
Oregon, September 2 & 3, 1995. The meeting was called to order
by Branch 21 President Otto Mueller. President Mueller thanked all
the exhibitors and then turned the meeting over to the National
President Jack Versteeg. There was open discussion regarding our
insurance coverage and the meeting was then turned over to West
Region Director Gus Peterson, who handed out some helpful notes and
suggestions about hosting a Regional or National Show. Branches
represented to the Northwest Regional were 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 21,
26, & 67. Thanks to President Mueller, Secretary Patty Bodnar
and all the members of Branch 21 for hosting the 1995 Northwest

We would like to welcome Branch 78 into the National. ‘OLD
TIME FARM FEST,’ Fountain City, Wisconsin, Arlen Schmitt,
President. I had the pleasure of meeting Arlen and his wife Ann,
also Jim Jumbeck, at the Tri County Threshermen’s Association
Branch 33 at Plainfield, Wisconsin June 10 & 11, 1995. This is
one of the many good things about our hobby. You meet a lot of
wonderful people at the shows.

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