IHC Treasure Trove

By Staff
Published on September 1, 1996

R.D. 1, Box 234 A, Meyersdale, Pennsylvania 15552

I thought you might be interested in the collection of IHC
equipment and many tools we have here at Kinsinger Engine

We have IHC 8-16’s, W-12, O-12, 1-12, F12 with wide front,
fenders, F14 with starter kit and hydraulic and two speed. W30,
WK40, Cub, H, M with rare factory two speed, four bottom Little
Genius and one bottom Cub plow, small Cub disc, one horse grain
drill, two horse corn planter, one horse and Cub sickle mowers, Cub
cultivator, Cub manure spreader, mower sickle sharpener, 10 inch
Burr mill with feed conveyor, eight inch hammer mill, two roll
husker shredder, hand crank corn sheller with fan, six foot grain
binder, corn binder, No. 5 ensilage cutter, vacuum pump, cream
separator, LB 1 to 2 and 3 to 5 gas engines with water pump jacks,
No. 15 stationary wire tie hay press, 46 hay baler, Cub firewood
saw. P30, PK40 and U21 power units.

Of the gas engines, the oldest is a 2 HP upright Famous
hopper-cooled; according to Wendel’s book, only a few were
built and none to be found. Mine is in good shape, with original
wood battery box and two wood IH coils, and runs nice. We also have
three rare L engines built in 1929 before the LA and LB. 1 HP
Mogul, 1, 3, 6, and 10 HP M. Several versions of LA and LB (pump
jack, binder, extension water hopper, radiator cooled). Kerosene 3
to 5, natural gas LB with clutch.

I guess the hobby is what started the IH collection and the
engine and tractor business. The first tractor was a 1929 10-20 for
$35 in last year of school (1960). I still have it and it runs.
Wonder if IH made an air compressor?

We also have many books we can copy from, and we buy NOS (new
old stock) parts or can take rare parts from our collection to make
new parts to complete your project. Anyone is welcome to stop in
and see our collection, but remember we’re closed on

I wonder how many IH implements we don’t have.

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