By Staff
Published on July 1, 1974
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Courtesy of W.W. Ward, Box 647, Amarillo, Texas 79177 -- Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason Co., Inc. Pantex Plant.
Courtesy of W.W. Ward, Box 647, Amarillo, Texas 79177 -- Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason Co., Inc. Pantex Plant.
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Courtesy of W.W. Ward, Box 647, Amarillo, Texas 79177 -- Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason Co., Inc. Pantex Plant.
Courtesy of W.W. Ward, Box 647, Amarillo, Texas 79177 -- Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason Co., Inc. Pantex Plant.

Box 647, Amarillo, Texas 79177

The Fairbanks-Morse generating unit pictured above has been
declared excess by its present owner, the United States Atomic
Energy Commission, and will be offered for sale, this summer, to
the highest bidder. The engine, a three-cylinder diesel (Model 32 E
14, Serial No. 815657) with companion generator (Type TGZO, 148 KW
capacity) are presently installed at the Commission’s Pantex
Plant, Amarillo, Texas, where they have been standby for emergency
power to the Plant’s waterwells for 32 years.

This generating unit has outlived the memories of present Plant
employees but, with the assistance of Fairbanks-Morse’s
successor firms, most of its history has been reconstructed. Of a
type which was manufactured from 1910 until 1955, this particular
unit was built in Beloit, Wisconsin in 1940, and on July 15 of that
year, shipped to the Premier Granite Quarries, Llano, Texas. How
the Government acquired the unit from Premier remains a mystery –
perhaps bought; perhaps commandeered. The fact remains however,
that the equipment was installed at the U.S. Army’s Pantex
Ordnance Plant in 1942. During the period 1942-1945, the Plant
produced bombs and shells in support of the war effort. With the
end of the war, in 1945, the Plant was abandoned and most of the
production machinery sold or scrapped. Because the water wells were
used to support a nearby housing area, the big unit was retained
intact to provide emergency power.

In 1951, when the Atomic Energy Commission decided that the old
Pantex Plant would be an ideal location for certain of its
production operations, it inherited this grand old engine and its
generating unit. In the years that followed, the engine was seldom
used but was carefully maintained and remains in excellent
operating condition. With the installation of natural gas powered
engines at the well heads, however, backup electrical power is no
longer needed.

Mr. W.W. Ward, of the Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason Co., Inc.,
the Commission’s operating contractor at Pantex Plant, has
announced that the entire generating unit, complete with air
starting tank, compressor, pump, electrical control panel and
accessories will be offered for sale on June 14, 1974. The
equipment may be inspected between June 14 and August 20. Sealed
bids received during this same period will be opened at 2:00 P.M.
CDT on August 20. Experience with previous sales of excess
equipment indicates that, due to its great size and weight and the
expense of removal, the unit may be purchased for scrap and broken
up on the spot. Because of its age, condition and
‘veterans’ preference’ status, many of the
Commission’s and the Contractor’s personnel are
particularly anxious that the unit be acquired by someone who will
keep it intact as operating equipment. Engine dimensions are
54′ wide x 12′ long x 8′ high. The Generator is 8′
long, and the flywheel is 10′ wide x 7′ in diameter.

Veteran Engine dimensions are 54′ wide x 12′ long x
8′ high. The Generator is 8′ long, and the flywheel is
10′ wide x 7′ in diameter.

Interested parties may obtain information at the following

Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason Co., Inc.

Att: W.W. Ward, P.O. Box 647, Amarillo, Texas 79177, Phone

Mr. Ward will be pleased to supply copies of the Bid Invitation,
with complete description, and to make arrangements for inspection
of the equipment. Help us save this Veteran

See story ‘World War II Veteran Engine/Generator to Scrap

See story ‘World War II Veteran Engine/Generator to Scrap

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