Since 1966, Gas Engine Magazine has been connecting with the antique gas engine enthusiast community. Whether getting answers to questions, identifying mystery engines, or sharing restoration tips and tricks, GEM has served as a catalyst for connecting old iron nuts for the last 47 years.
We’re always looking for ways to forge new connections. Every day, I get phone calls from collectors, enthusiasts and even newbies who don’t know the difference between an ignition and a governor. They’re looking for information. They’re looking for someone who can explain simple tasks or complicated projects. They’re looking for a connection in their own local community.
While our GEM Experts list provides many great resources to refer people to, sometimes a nearby group is much more helpful. Having a person or group a short drive away means hands-on experience and explanation. It means new friends to learn from, and it means a stronger antique gas engine community as a whole.
We’d like to help make these connections. Usually when referring people to clubs in their area, I use the Farm Collector Show Directory. Another great resource is the National Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Assn. (EDGE&TA), an organization that has chapters in almost every state.
But I know these resources are only part of the puzzle. We’re missing some valuable pieces — we’re missing clubs with extensive knowledge. We’re missing smaller, backyard clubs made up of guys who just like to get together, run their engines and help solve problems. We’re missing the kind of groups we can point new collectors to for basic questions.
So we’d like to solve that. We’re asking organizations and groups to send us their info: Collector club name, location, contact person (name, address, phone and/or email), website, size, any information about regular meetings or shows, as well as if the group has show grounds or specializes in any specific engines. Just send the information to me via email, by phone at 1-800-682-4704, or by mail at 1503 S.W. 42nd Street, Topeka, KS 66609.
We’ll publish the list in upcoming issues of Gas Engine Magazine, just like we do with the GEM Experts. The list will also be published here on our website. And anytime I get phone calls for information, I’ll be sure to check the club registry first so we can keep connecting collectors and growing the gas engine community.
Beth Beavers
Associate Editor