GEM Staffer
If you were able to attend the Rough & Tumble Engineers
Threshermen’s Reunion last August, you had an opportunity to
see a display of Rumely products that you would not forget! The
sound of one of these giants starting up is truly awesome.
The Rumely Products Collectors, Inc. has a membership of 185
members. They had representation at this Expo from seventeen states
plus Canada. There were exhibitors from six states plus Canada.
Fifty-one Rumely products were on display, plus memorabilia. Out of
sixteen models built, fifteen were exhibited. The only one missing
was the ‘Z’ model. That’s an impressive representation
when you think of how much work goes into transporting these huge
pieces of machinery.
The rarest model at the Expo was a 1912 25-45 Rumely. There are
approximately fifteen of these models still in existence. Also on
display was a 15-30 Roller owned by Jim Erdle of Canandaiqua, New
York. This is the only one in existence, possibly the only one
I was really fascinated by a 1921 Advance Rumely line drive
tractor, serial #506. This was rein-driven with two separate
clutches. This rare experimental tractor is owned by Jim Erdle.
Paul Stoltzfoos, R&T member, graciously demonstrated this
oddity to me. He said you had to really concentrate when handling
this tractor.
Another popular exhibit was a 1918 Rumely truck owned by Marlin
Brubaker of Quarryville, Pennsylvania. He knows of only two of
these trucks- the other one in California.
Here is some background information on the Rumely Products
Collectors, Inc.:
It began in 1981 when Cass Bowyer, a Rumely descendant, decided
it would be fun to have Rumely enthusiasts gather in LaPorte,
Indiana, hometown of the Rumely Oil Pull. This group met annually
on an informal basis for the following 11 years. In 1992, it was
decided that a committee was needed to find a location where they
could display. The location chosen for 1993 was Rushville, Indiana.
The group now needed to find a name. A charter was established in
1994 and membership in the new Rumely organization began.
The purpose of this group is to promote the collection and
preservation of Rumely related products, from the huge machines to
the smallest item. This includes Advance, Rumely, Gaar-Scott,
Aultman-Taylor, Northwest, and American-Abell, etc.
As an international organization, they also promote and
coordinate an annual Rumely Expo hosted by various engine clubs
throughout the United States and Canada. They strive to display a
comprehensive collection of Rumely Company artifacts.
The annual meeting is held each year following the Rumely Expo
banquet and is open to all members.
The following is a list of previous EXPOS:
1994 at the New York Steam Engine Association Pageant of Steam,
Canandaigua, New York.
1995 at Ohio Valley Antique Machinery Show, Georgetown,
1996 at Stephenson Co. Antique Engine Club, Freeport,
1997 at Camp Creek Threshers, Waverly, Nebraska.
1998 at Antique Acres, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
EXPO 2000 will be hosted by the Northeast Indiana Steam &
Gas Engine Show, LaGrange, Indiana, on August 10-13. Mark your
calendar-you won’t want to miss this event!
To receive information on membership, contact: Jerry Wolgamood,
104 E. Teck, White Pigeon, Michigan 49099. Telephone: