What Do Gas Engine Owners Do Over the Winter?

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1991
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435 Farm Road Newville, PA 17241

What do gas engine owners do over the winter? Well, Latimore
Valley Gas and Steam Association and Kingsdale Gas Engine Show held
a mini-show at the Hanover Mall January 17-20 of 1991. There were a
dozen engines there, including Briggs 6k Strattons, Domestics,
Internationals, Emerson Brantinghams, Sandwiches, Jumbos, Stovers
and Empires.

This is the first time we’ve done this and it generated
quite a few interesting conversations. For example, one old fellow
walked up to my dad and asked him if he ever heard of a Stickney
engine. The man said his father owned one which was 13 HP, then one
day they hauled it of to the junkyard (any engine collector’s
nightmare). Then the owner of the junk yard took a 16 pound sledge
hammer to the flywheel and couldn’t break a spoke. These are
the kinds of interesting conversations that we get.

The Kingsdale Gas Show will be held May 11 and 12, 1991. Show
dates for the Latimore Valley Gas and Steam Association are July

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