Sec., 1532 N. Highway 47, Marthasville, Missouri 63357
The Warren County Old Threshers Association is pleased to
announce its Agricultural Heritage Museum opened May 30, 1994.
Chairperson Kenneth Bruning reported that equipment was moved
into the museum in the fall of ’93. Some equipment had to be
moved from the property of Clarence Oberhellmann, who donated the
majority of the antique machinery. The Threshers purchased a 45 HP
Case traction engine in 1992. Separators, binders and various other
machinery have been donated since the Threshers Association was
started in 1977.
The museum building was built in 1992 from funds which were
donated and monies from club projects. The building is 60 feet x
110 feet, and is full of machinery. A concrete floor will be poured
as money becomes available.
Inventory runs the gamut from hand tools to the 45 HP Case. A
quick rundown of equipment consists of the 45 HP traction engine,
separators, binders, saw mill, 27 tractors, 25 engines, five garden
tractors plus other small items too numerous to list.
Some interesting tractors are a Cletrac, a Clark Dozer used
during World War Two, General, Avery and Leader. The engines run
from John Deere to Stover. The most interesting piece is a
self-propelled saw rig powered by a 4 HP Famous engine. All this
and the remainder of the machinery should be seen. We hope to see
you this year.
The museum is located in Warrenton on Palmyra Road, which
intersects Route ‘W’ that comes off of Route 47 at
Warrenton. For additional information, write: Warren County Old
Threshers Assn., 1394 Palmyra Road, Warrenton, Missouri 63383 or
phone Gene Lapointe at 314-433-5600 before 9:00 p.m. Central