Treas. 57754 CR-388 Grand Junction, Michigan 49056
Our fifth annual show held September 9, 10, and 11, 1988 had
absolutely perfect weather. Over 225 exhibitors from California,
Florida, Georgia, Connecticut, Minnesota, Kentucky, Pennsylvania,
Illinois, Indiana and Michigan once again streamed into the Van
Buren Fairgrounds in Hartford, Michigan to make our show the
largest display of gas engines in Michigan! There were 1400 engines
and models from ? to 25 HP.
Tractors were also well represented this year, with 160 total
displayed. With such a variety of makes and models, the ‘slow
races’ were interesting and well attended. The daily tractor
parade was well received by the some 5000 visitors who came to see
the action.
There were so many fine tractors on display, we would like to
show pictures of them all, but this is not possible. But we would
like to share some of them with you.
The sawmill demonstration on the track area was well attended.
Many logs were cut into lumber in the three days.
Everyone is captivated by steam. They rush for the steam
exhibits, remembering years gone by and taking pictures. In
addition to the parades, our steam tractors this year put on quite
a show, either belting up to the thresher, baker fan, or climbing,
up our large hill and working their way down again. They also put
on a beautiful spark show each evening.
This year our two blacksmiths worked hard to demonstrate their
trade to our visitors.
Our club had a binder party on July 17, 1988, at members John
and Laura Stasseks’ farm, Bloomingdale, and bound enough wheat
to fill two large wagons full.
The flea market area is always well received, and ours is no
exception! People shopped all three days to get all the
There were many activities at this show for people of all ages.
Evening activities were: bluegrass music, Casco Community Band,
magic show, polka music and dancing. Sunday morning two country
gospel groups had a nice service. Saturday and Sunday afternoon, we
had the antics of ‘Squeaky the Clown’.
The officers and directors of the Van Buren Flywheelers Antique
Engine and Tractor Club would like to take this opportunity to
thank all of the exhibitors who came from near and far to make this
years’ show a huge success! Our sixth annual show will again be
at the beautiful Van Buren Fairgrounds, Hartford, Michigan on
September 8, 9 and 10, 1989. We will be featuring the John Deere
line of engines, tractors, and related equipment. We are looking
forward to meeting all of our previous members and friends and
making lots of new acquaintances. See you there!