207 Church Road, Mountaintop, Pennsylvania 18707-2342
These are a few snaps of our 1995 show, it was our 17th year.
Looking at the pictures you can see everyone had a really good
Please remember, this is a one day show: no dues, no work, no
committees, just fun for one day! We made a lot of new friends and
saw other familiar friends at this full-of-action gathering. The
flea market was buzzing with activity, along with all the other
displays of engines and a model train exhibit. Camping is always
available at our shows but, please, you must call for reservations
the night before setup to get your space.
Valley Historical Engine Association is 4 miles north of 1-80,
just off Rt. 309. Join us for our 18th show, to be held
Father’s Day, June 16. Contact Richard and Marian Ayre, 207
Church Road, Mountaintop, Pennsylvania 18707-2342, or phone (717)
474-5 265 for reservations and more information.
Bring your family, your camera and you will have fun! Hope to
see you there!