Tractors and Gasoline Engines at Antique Acres Steam Show

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1969
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Courtesy of Mrs. Robert Fischels, 327 Idaho St., Waterloo, Iowa 50703
Courtesy of Mrs. Robert Fischels, 327 Idaho St., Waterloo, Iowa 50703
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Courtesy of Mrs. Robert Fischels 327 Idaho St. Waterloo, Iowa 50703
Courtesy of Mrs. Robert Fischels 327 Idaho St. Waterloo, Iowa 50703

327 Idaho, Waterloo, Iowa 50703

Antique Acres is located four and one-half miles north of Cedar
Falls, Iowa, on U.S. Hiway 218. It is a beautiful place with nice
grounds and lots of shade. It has good facilities, large utility
building, rest rooms and a large kitchen in front of the building.
We have a deep well and water piped all over the grounds.

We also have two gravel wells, and supply tanks for steam engine
water. Two 40 x 100 storage buildings to store equipment and also a
blacksmith shop and maintenance building. A late addition is a
souvenir building where you can buy steam show jewellery, post
cards, T shirts and what have you. We also sell subscriptions to
Iron Men Album and Gas Engine Magazines, Repair Manuals, both steam
and gas, and a lot of mighty interesting books to read.

As to tractors, we have 36 of all sizes and 20 different makes.
Now there is Cliff Johnston of Cedar Falls, Iowa. He has a 60
Catapillar of 1920 vintage, a 1916 Galloway Farmobile like new, a
10-20 Titan like new and several others.

Then we have J.S. Fenton of Waterloo, Iowa. He has two 30-60 Oil
Pulls, make and break ignition; one 20-40 oil pull; two 16-30 oil
pulls; one 20-30 oil pull and one 12-20 oil pull. These really
bring back memories of the old days. Andy Fischels of Waterloo, has
one 25-45 Case, one 20-35 Allis Chalmers, one 1919 Hart Parr 15-30,
one 16-30 oil pull and a General, built by Cleveland.

A real prize beauty is a 15-30 Town-send oil tractor, about 1916
vintage owned by Andy Fischels and John Sundermeyers of Readlyn,
Iowa. There is a 10-20 Mogul owned by Forest Huer of Cedar Falls,
Iowa and a Waterloo Boy also owned by Huer.

Then there is a 12-24 Wallace, a M.T.A., M.M. Twin City, J.
Minneapolis Moline, and 21-35 Twin City all owned by H.C. Pries,
Bremer, Iowa. There are Fordsons, both American and English, John
Deere’s, Massey Harris, Silver King, Ward Twin Row, Oliver,
McCormick Deerings, Minneapolis Molines, and what have you, all in
operating condition. All of these are in the daily parade.

In the gasoline engines line up, you will find 51 or more of
different makes. One of the outstanding owners is E.B. Crowell. We
all call him ‘Hep’ for short. He goes heavy on Waterloo
built engines. He has the 3 models of the latest John Deere makes
1?, 3 and 6 horse power. He worked on the engine assembly line at
the plant and tells me he completely assembled the first 6 Hp. John
Deere to go down the line. In the Associated line, he has a 2?, 3
and 6 Horsepower, one Galloway 2? Hp., one Waterloo Boy 2 Hp., one
Sheldon 2 Hp., one United 3? Hp. one Cushman 4 Hp., one Fairbanks
Morse 2 Hp., 2 Internationals 1? and 2 Hp., one Lauson 1? Hp. and a
Lennox 2 cylinder opposed 12 Horse Power. Hep knows these engines
like a book and really loves to tell about them and their

Then there is our President Cliff Johnston. He also has a big
collection with many makes such as 7 Hp. Waterloo Boy and a 5 Hp.
Waterloo Boy, 4 Fuller and Johnson, 2 Monitors, several Fair-banks
Morse, 1 Fairmont 4 Hp. 2 cycle, 1 United, 3 Internationals 1?, 3
and 6 Hp. That 6 Hp. is very old, somewhere around a 1906. 2
cylinder Cushman, 8 Hp., Bull dog 4 Hp., Rockford and a Galloway,
Handy Dandy and many others.

Gasoline Engine Row at Antique Acres.

Mr. Don Gibbons also has 1 Monitor 2 Hp. vertical, 1 Stover IV2
Hp., 1 Cushman 4 Hp. vertical, 1 Monarch 5 Hp., 1 G.P. John Deere

Here you will see Stickney’s, Wolverines, Economys and some
I can’t identify. These people take great pride in these
tractors and engines and are continually working on them and during
the show sure love to talk about them. They seem never to tire of
this. During show days there is continual activity all day long.
Steamers and tractors on Baker fans and Prony brake. Other
activities are lumber sawing, planing, slab sawing, threshing with
various machines with steamers and tractors, also giving rides on
steamers and tractors. There are some very rare beauties in the
Antique Automobiles. The most eye taking at last year’s show
was Lorenz and Erma Warneke’s 1910 Flanders.

Parade float built by the Ladies of Antique Acres. Smolik
Brothers 40-140 plow engine in background.

John Sundermeyer’s Cadillac, Harold Pries’ Erskine, Don
Gibbon’s model T and 1931 Chevy Coupe are some of the jewels.
Hupmobile, Paige and a very old International truck, all fully
restored and beautifully refinished. It seems like every show
different ones show up. This equipment involves many hours of work,
searching for and making parts, but boy are we proud when we get it
done so we can show it to the public.

All these and many other items will be on display and operating
during the three week-end shows. During the summer of 1969, dates
have been set for the following week-ends: August 2-3, August 9-10
and over Labor Day week-end August 30, 31 and September 1,

In addition to this, the ground will be open as a museum during
the tourist season from June 1st to October 1st for a small fee per
person. You will also be able to buy souvenirs.

Come and stay overnight with us and we will spread a little

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