Hancock, New Hampshire 03449
The weatherman tried to scare us this year with very miserable
weather the day before our meet, but on Sept. 29, the rains held
off for most of the day. This dampness didn’t stop too many
people from coming. We had people from all over New England, many
of the familiar faces who helped us get started two years ago.
There were about 115 engines displayed by 65 exhibitors. Many of
these engines had never been to Dublin before, although their
owners had.
There were 25 antique autos at the meet, the oldest being a 1903
Model A Ford owned by Mike Worcester, who also had many engines on
display and is one of the organizers of the meet.
Due to our growth, we will have to move to a larger field next
year. This will allow more room for each exhibitor- thus giving
more safety. It is hoped that we can have some more tractors next
year. There was just one, a 1938 English Fordson. We also hope that
the steam group will feel welcome even though we call it a gas
engine meet.
Again this year, the Dublin Fire Department provided a delicious
bean-hole bean dinner.
Gas engine meets are quite popular in this area. Dave Dearborn
of Campton, N. H., has been hosting a spring meet that has been
growing by leaps and bounds.
This year the largest engine displayed in Dublin was a 15 hp
Mogul owned by Dave Dearborn. The restoration of this engine is a
story by itself as one of its flywheels was a boat anchor in Lake
Winnipesauke earlier this year.
Everyone is looking for something free — well, this meet is it!
We sell souvenir buttons to defray our cost and the Dublin Fire
Department takes the money from the dinner to buy new equipment.
There is no admission charge to the public or registration fee for
the exhibitor. We only ask that exhibitors register so that we have
their names and addresses to send them a postcard about the next
meet. As long as we can, this meet will be run this way.
Mark September 21, 1975 on your calendar of things to do and
bring your tractors, gas engines and/or steam engines and antique
autos on up to Dublin and join us at the Fourth Annual Meet for the
best time of your life. We are planning a great time!
Many thanks to all the people that have supported us each
BEN CRAVEN, SR., 214 S. Tremont Drive,
Greensboro, North Carolina 27403 has bought a 5 HP Majestic gas
engine and would appreciate any advice you could give him on this.
It has a Serial No. 185866-5. He’ll be looking for your
From NOVA L. HUFFORD, Route 2, Nelson, Missouri
65347 -‘I recently purchased a 1 cyl. engine which was all
apart. It had a Fairbanks-Morse nameplate with several patent
numbers, but no serial or model numbers. It is an upright with
water jacket, has 4′ bore x 6′ stroke hit and miss. The
only numbers are cast in the metal. 23X near cylinder bottom, rod
23QL, carburetor 23RE1, fuel pump 23RP1, rocker arm 23EU. It has
the number 227 stamped near bottom of cylinder. I have been
watching GEM but haven’t seen any like it. Would anyone have
any information? – I have two sons and we really enjoy the
A request from W. C. KUHL, 464 5th Street,
Sebewaing, Michigan 48759 goes out to someone in Gas Land –
‘Would the man and his son who talked to me about the vibration
in motor on their late Model D John Deere tractor at the Saginaw
Valley Steam Show at Caro, Michigan in August 1974 do this! Please
check the mark on the flywheel hub and the mark on end of
crankshaft and make sure they line up, also take cover off belt
pulley and then take stud bolt and washer off end of crankshaft and
check to see that clutch driving disc hub mark and mark on end of
crankshaft line up. Flywheel and clutch marks have to line up to
keep engine in balance. Someone may have had this motor apart
before they bought tractor and put it together wrong. This man and
his son live somewhere in Northern lower Michigan. If this corrects
his trouble I would like to have him write me.’ (I’d like
to hear if they ever get to correspond).
J. S. HIRONS, 98, Hailey Road, Witney, Oxon,
England sends following: Some time ago I appealed through your
magazine, for slides of your tractors, particularly the larger ones
that we do not see over here. These are required to be shown at
various club meetings.
I am pleased to say that Mr. A. H. BORSTAD of
Devils Lake, North Dakota, answered my plea and sent me a nice
selection together with details of each one.
I would therefore, like to thank Mr. Borstad very much indeed
for his interest and the trouble he went to. Needless to say, to
make up a slide show, one needs quite a few slides, therefore, I
would still like some more if anyone cares to oblige.
My other request is for accurate details of the lettering on the
10-20 Titan water tank. It appears to have the IHC on the front; I
have seen many different forms of lettering on the sides and
wondered what the original should be.
As I have to get the IHC sign written, has anyone a good picture
of this monogram for a painter to copy.
I have spent some years rebuilding the Titan and I am anxious to
get it as original as possible.
EARL F. HARDWICK, 226 Cass Place, Canton,
Illinois 61520 has a problem he wants you to share with him.
‘Quite some time ago I found an air-cooled engine in Iowa. The
head had been broken in several places, but not in the combustion
area. Everything was stuck, and I mean everything. I have
everything loose now except the piston.
My problem is I don’t know the name of the engine. There is
only one identifying mark. It is on the crankshaft. The word is
Atlas. I have enclosed a drawing of the name. Also the crankshaft
does not have grease cups, only pockets to hold the oil or grease.
The cooling fan is missing, does anyone know how to make one? I
have never seen an Atlas name listed anywhere. I will gladly return
postage to anyone who writes to me.’
RICHARD SAJKOWICZ, RFD 3, Bethel Road, Norwich,
Connect-cut 06360 would like to get information on the repair of
works of the Fairbanks-Morse 7-1/2 HP (1 lung) machine. He has one
and doesn’t know if he has all the parts.
EDWARD S. BROMAGE, Box 246, Florham Park, New
Jersey 07932 writes: ‘I just yesterday (Dec. 1 at 8:30 a.m.)
got my first gas engine, a Waterloo gasoline engine, Type K 3 HP
Ser. No. 215465. It’s fairly complete, I but is seized and has
plenty of rust and the support for the rocker arm has been broken
off the head. I’d like to visit anyone in the New Jersey, New
York. Connecticut, Rhode Island or Massachusetts area that has a
similar machine that I can take pictures of as a restoration aid or
use as a parts source. Thanks! (get in touch with him, Fellows and
give him some answers, please).
From CHRISTOPHER MODELEY, Drive Lodge, Botowash
Lane, Elvaston, Derbys, DE7 3EN, England come the following
remarks: ‘I have been collecting gas engines for a couple of
years now and I have a Lister (Junior) 5 HP gas engine, an
Associated 2-1/4 HP Hired Man and a Bamford cam grinding mill. The
engine in photograph is of course, the Associated engine. I bought
this engine in April this year after it had been outside for ten
years and I have completely restored it with the help of my father
(I am 16). The bearings are original but the valves, springs and
slide bar have had to be renewed. All she needs now is a crank
guard which is being made at present. I painted the engine
A letter reminding me of my quote comes from HAROLD RIGSBY, R.R.
1, Box 108C, Cicero, Indiana 46034 – ‘In your closing paragraph
of the current issue (Nov.-Dec. 74) you seem rather vague on where
you might have heard the expression (When the frost is on the
pumpkin). In case some of the collectors of the Greenfield, Indiana
area haven’t already filled you in on this, here goes: – When
the frost is on the Pumpkin and the fodder’s in the shock – and
you hear the knock and gobble of the struttin’ turkey cock –
and the clackin’ of the guineys and the cluckin’ of the
hens – and the rooster’s hallyloozer as he tiptoes on the
fence; O it’s then’s the time a feller is a-feeling at his
best – with the risin’ sun to greet him from a night of
peaceful rest. – As he leaves the house bare-headed, and goes out
to feed the stock, When the frost is on the pumpkin – and the
fodder’s in the shock. – James W. Riley (1853-1916) The Hoosier
Poet. (Thanks Harold, I should have delved back further into the
corners of my memory, maybe I’d have remembered – don’t
know though – pretty many cobwebs there at times.) Harold goes on
to say ‘As to Riley’s poems, the present day English
teachers are reluctant to use his works in the schools as his
mutilation of the language seems offensive to them. However, we
older people still like to read and hear his writings.’
I have an enthusiastic letter from TOM PEMBERTON, Route 2,
Centralia, Missouri 65240 – ‘I must say that I am sixty years
old and have never in my life enjoyed a magazine so much and gained
so much knowledge from it. I would be willing to pay twice the
price for a monthly publication for G.E.M. instead of six times a
year. (That’s nice to hear, Tom, but at this time we are going
to continue with the bi-monthly).
Enclosed are two pictures of a small garden tractor with old
wooden handles that I purchased recently. One picture shows the
right side and the other the left side. I am wondering if some of
the readers can tell me who made this tractor and about the time it
was manufactured. This tractor has an air-cooled Briggs &
Stratton Co. engine with small fan ran by belt from flywheel,
Serial No. P2435; the carburetor has the words Motor Wheel,
embossed on the cover plate. Is this the Smith Motor Wheel Engine
or a modification of it? Will appreciate any information I can
At left is the tractor with reduction gear, chain drive which
has a clutch controlled from the handles. Evidently the gas tank
has been raised to accommodate a gasoline filter and trap. At right
it shows the right side with flywheel and fan.’
This picture shows the left side of the tractor with reduction
gear, chain drive which has a clutch controlled from the handles.
Evidently the gas tank has been raised to accommodate a gasoline
filter and trap.
Courtesy of Tom Pemberton, R2 Centralia, Mo. 65240.
This picture shows the right side with flywheel and fan.
Courtesy of Tom Pemberton, R2 Centralia, Mo. 65240.
NATE HICKOCK, Amboy, Minnesota 56010 writes the
following: ‘Nov. & Dec. 74 issue has a little bit in from a
Gil Easter, Canyon Country, California. He wrote that he wanted
Galloway engines. Well, he has at least one more – he found our 5
HP from the Engine Magazine some time ago and he bought it and its
on the way to his place now. Gosh, what we guys won’t do to get
an engine!
Easter bought it through correspondence and phone calls. Marvin
Maitre, Des Moines picked it up here at our place and will later
take it to New Mexico and then someone is to take it from there to
We have several engines from California but we were out there
with our truck and had room coming home. Except for the last one, a
3 HP Sampson which Tom brought back in another son’s trailer. I
guess these old engines really get around, Huh?
Here’s a funny – My granddaughter, Lori, is here today and
she asked me if I had a bicycle when I was little. I told her that
I had one. Then she asked if it had a big wheel in front and a
little one in the back. I told her – No, Lori, Grandpa isn’t
that old!’
A second letter from WILLIAM C. KUHL, 464 So.
5th St., Sebewaing, Michigan 48759 – This one is in appreciation:
‘Just a few lines to thank you for running my plea about
information on my Fuller and Johnson and Fairbanks Morse gas
engines in your column.
I received four letters so far, all telling me to contact Mr.
Verne W. Kindschi, Route 1 Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin 53578 for
information on the F & J and for information on F-M to write
Colt Industry Power Systems, Division 701, Lawton Ave., Beloit,
Wisconsin ATTN: Mr. D. E. Jacobsen 53511. Technical Publications; a
$3.50 fee is charged by Colt, Indiana for information as to year
built and Zerox copy of instruction manual for Fairbanks
And now, Bless each one of you as we begin this new year –
I’ll bet if you’re like me, you didn’t get the things
done last year you planned -shall we try again?
Benjamin Franklin said ‘All would live long, but none would
be old.’ How do you feel about this? I’ll bet there are
alot of you happy folks out there ready to dispute this saying –
let me hear from you.