Ontario, N.Y.
The July 10th meeting was the smallest attendance wise so far.
Everyone must have been busy elsewhere. The Treasurer reported a
bank balance of $724.02. Bills totaling $93 00 were voted to lie
paid. Receipts were $136.90. Ii was voted to have the Secretary and
Treas. bonded for $1,000.00 each. Both before and after the
meeting’ some work was done on the sawmill and water tank.
Plans for the 1966 Reunion seem to be shaping up very well. All
ot our properly which was at Honeoye Falls has been brought to
Fairville. George Knab did an excellent job of putting skids under
the stone crusher. He also has an 800 gallon water tank to provide
water for sprinkling to keep dust down Franklin Oi baker is setting
up his sawmill on cement piers. We are going to use the Case
stationary baler, donated by George Lathrop of Sherburne. Five
followers have been purchased for it. Our grain binder, donated by
Grover Swank of Marion, will be used to cut wheat for threshing.
Jim Cain of Rochester is going to paint the two ticket booths
offered for our use by the Fairville Fire Dept. Also the ‘out
houses’. Nancy Knab of Spencerport did a real fine job of
repainting the roadside sign advertising the show. Mrs. Allan
Spencer of Marion did the sign which will be at the Hemlock Fair. A
loading dock has been made so you can easily unload your
News of Interest to members about A new member, Clarence Gould,
1608 Humphrey St., Kalamazoo, Mich. writes that he has a 12 H.P.
Witte Diesel engine, a 5 H.P. Economy, and some other small
engines. He is also a member of Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor
Ass’n, Branch No. 4.
The Erdle Boys of Canandaigua have recently purchased a 20-40
opposed two cylinder Case tractor.
Marvin Wendt of Sanborn, a new member, has recently acquired a
1925 Oil Pull.
Don Luteyn Sr. of Palmyra has a Vaughn Flex-Tread garden
Here is a picture of a McCormick & Deering tractor, size 32
x 36.
David Shearns of Marion has his Olin engine at Glen
Orbaker’s in Fairville. He also has a Model D Case tractor.
Helen Lander of Dansville has bought the ‘hobby’ steam
engine which belonged to Bob Stickler of Campbell. She also has a
very old reaper.
Grover Swank of Marion has a Mack truck which he hopes to have
running at the show.
Ken Roloff of Marilla has recently added the following engines
to his collection; a Taylor vacuum engine, an Olin upright which
runs on L. P. gas, a Maynard and an International.
Dick Wood and son of Livonia have recently purchased a Galoway
gas engine. (Sorry, Dick, you told me the H.P., but I can’t
remember for sure. Either a 5 or 7, I believe.).
At this writing Homer ‘Pop’ Prudom of Fairport, is in
Genesee Hospital for tests and a checkup. He is a Director and one
of our well loved older members.
Many thanks to Abram and Mary Luteyn for helping us with the
stamps and labels for this issue of the BUGLE.
15-27 John Deere open flywheel 6? x 7′ motor reconditioned
by Van Noordt Bros., Rock Valley, Iowa. It was formerly owned by
Ralph Lammers, Sioux Center, Iowa. Picture taken in 1965.
Plowing south of St. Louis, Mo. with a 15-30 Model F Oil Pull
and a 5 gang Rumely plow.
This is a 1916 60-110 H.P. 6 cylinder ‘Twin City 60’ by
Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company of Minneapolis,
This is my 2 H.P. Rock Island gas engine, make and brake. It
runs fine.
Well anyways dare I vas a chop in the woods an chust bought me a
nice new butter fly ax, so off we go. The boss is August a big man
mite a big chew an he commence to blackout me, se I don’t chew,
not me, an we walk in the woods about a mile, so to make a long
story short, we cut a lot of trees, an it commence to sno. The sno
flakes was like silfer dolar size, an after vile it was deep. It
was falling in Augusts back pocket, an he said his tcrbaccy was
going to spoil an get moldy if we don’t chew it up, so we all
take a big chew. An August said we stop now we sno get in ower eys
soon, so we all start for to go home. We was half way home, an you
know what? Dot sno was so deep we had to chump up so we could
Signed Gotleib, The Blocksmit Paul Bunion
Well anyways you see it vas like dis. After a vile in dot Woods
I get good wit dot ax I don’t like to brack but I vas reel
good, so we hear of some man I dank they call him bunion or
something like that. Well I tell you what. I snuck in the woods on
Sunday to practice wood chopping chust so I can chop more wood den
this fellow bunion. Anyways my nice new butter fly ax get so hot I
run to the river to cool it off so many time. An I walk down dot
rivier about a mile to get home for supper. Veil anyhow the farmers
an chust plain dirt farmers was butshering an scalding dose hogs in
dot river. An you know what else? not one of them griff me a pig
tail to cook mite mine sauerkrout.
Signed Gotleib, The Blocksmit The blacksmith told his new
apprentice: ‘I’m going to heat this horseshoe in the forge
until it is red hot. Then I’ll pull it out. When I nod my head,
you hit it with that hammer.’ The blacksmith left a wife and
two children,
I would like information on the Swartz gas engine, 4 hp. Would
you know where I could get information? James F. Hopkins, Decatur,
Neb. 68020 GS 66