Southeast Kansas Old Time Gas Engine & Tractor Club Show

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1997
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The great looking 12 HP Fairbanks Morse owned by Loren Ervin of Carthage, Missouri.
The great looking 12 HP Fairbanks Morse owned by Loren Ervin of Carthage, Missouri.
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A great display of Rock Island engines owned by Dean Harris of Parsons, Kansas, and his brother David Harris of Erie.
A great display of Rock Island engines owned by Dean Harris of Parsons, Kansas, and his brother David Harris of Erie.
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This is a 16 HP Industrial Iron Works engine, built in 1901, owned by Jack Chandler, Carthage, Missouri.
This is a 16 HP Industrial Iron Works engine, built in 1901, owned by Jack Chandler, Carthage, Missouri.

325 Stone, Parsons, Kansas 67357

The Eighth Annual Southeast Kansas Old Time Gas Engine and
Tractor Club Show was held June 22nd and 23rd, 1996, at the
Crawford County Historical Society Museum grounds in Pittsburg,

The featured engine this year was the Rock Island. Brothers Dean
Harris, Par sons, Kansas, and David Harris, Erie, Kansas, had an
outstanding display of 1 HP through 7 HP Rock Islands. These
engines are restored to like-new condition and ran the same

This year we again had exhibitors from Missouri, Oklahoma,
Arkansas and Kansas. There were 136 gas engines on display along
with eight garden tractors, three scale-model tractors, seven pedal
tractors, plus five antique cars. The larger engines on display
included a 15 HP Reid, 10 HP Marion, 16 HP Industrial Iron Works,
and a 12 HP Fairbanks-Morse engine.

The 15 HP Reid belongs to Dale Rice, Opolis, Kansas. (If you see
Dale, ask him what mud daubers can do to a big engine when you are
trying to start it.)

The 16 HP Industrial Iron Works engine belongs to Jack Chandler,
Carthage, Missouri. It is a very nice looking and running engine
that was built in Clinton, Missouri.

The 12 HP Fairbanks-Morse is owned by Loren Ervin of Carthage,
Missouri. This was one of the cleanest and most original looking
engines on display. The 10 HP Marion (The Marion Ten) is owned by
Jim Tullis, Carthage, Missouri.

It seems Carthage just grows larger engines than the surrounding
area does. It must be the climate.

Once again we had to deal with very hot temperatures for the
show weekend, but that didn’t keep the show from being well
received by the folks attending and the exhibitors. I hope you
folks can be with us for the 9th annual show to be held June 21st
and June 22nd, 1997, at the Crawford County Historical Society
Museum grounds in Pittsburg, Kansas.

Thank you to all club members and other exhibitors for again
making the show something to be proud of.

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