Small But Mighty: Biggest ‘Little’ Engine Show

By Staff
Published on May 1, 2001
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Inside the Hove and Mathre McCormick machines dealership at the Village.
Inside the Hove and Mathre McCormick machines dealership at the Village.
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Ron Christensen displayed a handcrafted model cement mixer.
Ron Christensen displayed a handcrafted model cement mixer.
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Hugh Matern of Eagle Grove, Iowa, displayed this working pump/pump jack.
Hugh Matern of Eagle Grove, Iowa, displayed this working pump/pump jack.

Country Relics ‘little’ village and homestead near
Stanhope, Iowa, unlike the famous masters of illusion Walt Disney
& Warner Brothers, has created no illusions with their early
1900s scale down village ( to 2/3) tastefully
furnished with children’s furnishings, salesmen’s samples,
toys, toys, toys and more toys.

The Biggest ‘Little’ Engine Show and swap meet held
annually the fourth weekend in June is held among the perfect
setting of Country Relics Village. Abundant with shade Country
Relics Village is conveniently located between U.S. Highways 20 and
30, 11 miles west of Intestate 35 on Iowa Highway 17, 1 miles north
of Stanhope or 10 miles south of Webster City.

Those who patiently and lovingly, . handcrafted these working
models of yesteryearair, steam and gas tractors, engines and
implements used no illusions in the creation of these works of art,
be they one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, or one-sixteenth scale.
Restored or original automobiles, trucks, tractors or implements
are welcome to complement the Carlsons’ 1915, high wheeled, IHC
Motor Truck and the 1923 Model T Ford.

Exhibitors travel from near and far to participate in this day
of fellowship, camaraderie, and to get inspirations for new
projects. Exhibitors and visitors come early or stay late to enjoy
‘a stroll into the past’ through County Relics Village and
Homestead to see what was added new since the last visit. It might
be a pyramid of toys by ‘The Toy Tinkers,’ A. C. Gilbert
Appliances, the transformation of the little house bedroom into a
parlor, or new pieces of iron, paper, and machines exhibited in the
McCormick Machines implement dealership. You are sure to find new
treasures in every building and a surprise around every corner.

Primitive camping is available on the grounds with your
exhibits. All exhibitors are admitted free. Swap Meet vendors will
be charged $20 per vehicle. Limited electricity available.
Air-conditioned lunch stand, and new modern restrooms with showers
are located in the entrance barn and welcome center on the

All scale model and engine show enthusiasts are invited to
‘come be our guests’ for the 10th annual ‘Biggest
Little Engine Show’ and Swap Meet at Country Relics Village, on
Saturday, June 23, 2001.

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