The Tazewell County Olde Thresher’s Association held its
1986 show, proudly displaying its new Wood Brothers thresher.
President Scott L. Thompson, RR #2, Box 30, Tremont, Illinois
61568, was the one responsible for finding and restoring the Wood
Brothers ‘Hummingbird’ thresher. The club had been
demonstrating threshing with a Case 28′ separator, which was
hauled 50 miles to the show site by a nearby John Deere dealer.
The Wood Brothers, located in Anchor, Illinois, was found to be
in terrific shape and ready to thresh after only minor repairs and
a good cleaning.
During this summer’s show, a 22 HP Keck-Gonnerman (owned by
Claude Troyer) was belted up to the thresher and the beautiful
results made it hard to believe it was 1986!
This was the most successful show so far for the Tazewell
Association. The number of tractors and gas engines was doubled,
several teams of horses were kept busy plowing and harrowing, and
there were a dozen other activities for visitors to enjoy.
The club invites all to attend their next show August 1, 1987,
when they hope to have a Keck-Gonnerman 36′ thresher on