613 8th Avenue Charles City, Iowa 50616
1986 was a good year for the Cedar Valley Engine Club Show,
which was held over the Labor Day weekend.
The weather was perfect for all three days which provided us
with a good crowd of spectators each day. We had three bid loads of
oat bundles to thresh each day, which brings back lots of memories
of the good old days. Those days were lots of hard work, but the
good meals made us forget how hard we had to work. There were
usually some young ladies for the young fellas to flirt with and
try to make a date with to take to the County Fair or to a show in
town and the ice cream parlor before you took her home.
There was lots of lumber sawed which people like to see in
action. The shingle mill is always a good attraction as is the
large gas engine display. The two hole corn sheller that is run
with an 8 horsepower Waterloo Boy engine is another attraction that
spectators seem to enjoy. There were rides given to young and old
on gas tractors as well as the steam engines.
We had several people come in with their gas engines and
tractors to show with us as they help make our show better-hope
more will feel welcome to come and show with us too.
Our ladies do a good job of running the lunch stand-they really
work hard to serve us some good lunches.
The Flea Maket did a good business this year also. Our spaces
were all taken early in the year. There has been a lot more work
done on our Nordburg steam compressor that Allis Chalmers gave us.
We received a real good boiler this last summer. It is set now and
we hope to have the engine running for our 1987 show, which will be
September 5, 6, 7, 1987.
Another big attraction for the 1987 show is the Prairie Gold
Rush with their M & M tractors to show with us. It will be
especially good to have them, as the last M & M tractors were
built here in Charles City.
We use the Charles City portable band shell for those that like
to bring their instruments and join in with whoever is there and
play the old time music each day. On Sunday, Dave Hutchins’
Polka Band played for 1? hours which everyone enjoyed and at 4:00
p.m. each day we drew for door prizes that were all furnished by
area merchants.
The last two years we have had some of our local high school
band members to direct traffic and park cars. They have done a
wonderful job for us and we give them a lump sum of money to help
with their trips they take throughout the year. We hope this will
give some of the other clubs ideas for help and also increase the
interest in the show. Be sure to have enough people so they can
change off and take in the show as well as to get a rest.