Show Dir., P.O. Box 184, DeKalb Junction, New York 13630.
The second annual DeKalb Junction Antique Engine and Craft Show
was held on September 1 and 2, 1990. There were a large number of
antique engines, tractors, and antique and collectible cars. This
was our first year to have a Craft Fair and Flea Market and we were
pleased with the turnout for our show.
Because of perfect weather for the weekend, we were able to have
our entertainers perform on our show field. The musical
entertainment was donated by local entertainers who do the
performances in their spare time. The exhibitors enjoyed being able
to watch and listen without having to leave the field.
Exhibitors came from all over New York state and Canada. We wish
to thank these people for coming, and especially those who traveled
long distances. The shows provide a good place for the engine
people to gather to visit and exchange ideas.
Just a note for all the people not familiar with our show: this
show is to benefit the senior citizens housing projects of DeKalb
Junction, and is organized by a group of dedicated volunteers who
are members of the DeKalb Housing Development Fund Comany, Inc. All
profits and monies as a result of this show go toward research and
development of senior citizen housing in the DeKalb Junction