Sec. Blue Ridge Steam & Gas Assn. Route 1, Box 96 Weyers
Cave, Virginia 24486
Our 2nd annual Blue Ridge Steam show was held on the 21st
through 24th of June 1989, and was a huge success. It started on
Wednesday in the midst of the monsoon season. Everybody was worried
that it would not stop raining for the show, but by Thursday the
sun was out and drying out the mud for the tractor pull that
evening. The tractor pull and the kiddy tractor pull were both real
successes, thanks to a lot of good help.
Back to the show. We had 144 engines of all sizes on display, 60
tractors, five steam engines, four Oil Pulls, and 41 models. There
were 167 exhibitors from five states. Also running was a wood saw,
and we had hay baling. Everyone seemed to have a good time. On
Saturday evening was the parade in downtown Weyers Cave.
The membership would like to extend an invitation to everyone to
attend our next show, June 20 through 23, 1990.
We also would like to thank the Weyers Cave Fire Department for
their support, and the Weyers Cave Ruritan Club for the use of
their grounds. We also want to thank all our guests and the general
public for coming out and supporting our show. The club promises
everyone another fine show this June.