Scaled Model Machinery Show

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1994

Country Relics Little Village and ‘Homestead near Stanhope,
Iowa, does things in a small way. A replicated village to
2/3 scale is the site for an all-scaled model
machinery show. The Village was the result of one man’s love
for vintage gasoline engines and tractors. Valen Carlson trekked
around the country attending shows and combing flea markets for
treasures of the past.

The first two buildings in the complex were a two room
‘little’ Baker House purchased at a farm sale as a play
house for the grandchildren, and the original Stanhope Depot
housing railway and rural American exhibits. The Stanhope
Centennial in 1983 sparked the idea for continuing development and
a little country barn and barnyard came into being.

In the ensuing years, the ‘little’ Bitter Creek School,
the ‘little’ Reilly and Ristrim General Store, the
‘little’ Saratoga Church, and the ‘little’ Levine
and Livery and Blacksmith Shop have joined the village complex.

In the fall of 1989, Varlen and his wife Fern opened the village
to the public on a daily basis from May to October. The idea of the
all-scaled model machinery show followed quickly.

A perfect setting for the all-scaled model machinery show,
Country Relics will host the third annual show on August 20, 1994.
All collectors/crafters of scaled model engines, tractors and
machinery are invited to participate in this unique annual event.
All exhibitors are admitted free and are guests of Country Relics
for a Country Barbecue following the show at 5 p.m.

Primitive camping is permitted with your exhibit. Although
promoted as a one day event, exhibitors are welcome to set up on a
Friday and stay through Saturday. For more information, on Country
Relics Scaled Model Machinery Show, see ad in the May 1994 issue of
the GEM or call (515)826-3491.

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