Salt River Acres Show

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1990
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775 N. Homer Road, Midland, Michigan 48640

Even without the cooperation of Mother Nature, the Salt River
Engine Show was a huge success. What seemed like a torrential
downpour, leaving ankle deep puddles in its wake, was not enough to
dampen the exhibitors’ or spectators’ spirits. All the
water merely provided participants with nice dust control.

The engine exhibit had more than doubled, with over 250 engines.
The engines effortlessly performed the duties of washing clothes,
shelling and grinding corn, and baling miniature bales of hay. An
1896 Otto, owned by Charles and Shirley Keyser, was on display and
attracted close observation due to its uncommonness.. The number of
tractors on exhibit increased by leaps and bounds while a brake fan
stood nearby so owners could check their tractors’ strength,
then cajole friends into testing their tractors for comparison.

We were fortunate to have Loren and Lola Stein donate some
aromatic cedar to cut on the shingle mill. The fragrant shingles
went like hotcakes, which made it difficult to keep up with the
demand. Two blacksmiths, with their forges ready, were prepared to
brand the shingles with the show name and date, transforming the
shingle into an ideal souvenir.

An operating sawmill was powered by Gil Schrock’s Frick
steam engine. A lot of logs passed through its blade to become
rough lumber. The popcorn kettle ran all day and was a very popular
exhibit. We only wish we could find some way to keep our popcorn
poppers cool. That is one hot job standing over a cast iron kettle
stirring pounds of popcorn.

Gerald ‘Mac’ McCullen hitched his horses up to a wagon
loaded with hay and gave shuttle rides from the parking area to the
exhibition grounds. This added feature delighted many youngsters
and their moms and dads too.

The parade on Saturday and Sunday is developing into a great
forum for showing off your prized possessions. You can see the
pride on the owners’ faces as they make their lap around the
parade route.

The favorite with the ladies is turning out to be the flea
market area. Although we are hoping and anticipating more vendors
each year, everyone seems happy with what is available. Nobody
appears to leave the area empty-handed, including the menfolk. The
Tractor Teeter-Totter Competition, the newest addition to the
weekend of activities, was a real hit. Not only was it a lot of fun
and quite a challenge, but the audience also thoroughly enjoyed
watching the men and rooting their favorites on to victory. We were
happy to see that some of the younger set got involved, and a
teenage boy took first place. Throughout the years many engine show
enthusiasts had the opportunity to become acquainted with a fine
man named John Sisson. He hand cast and machined each part of his
homemade models. They always drew a lot of attention. John passed
away soon after the Salt River Show, but he left us with an
enriching memory of his time there. On Saturday evening, John
seemed to have mysteriously disappeared, leaving his boots behind.
His wife, Marion, anxiously searched for him. Meanwhile, John was
several rows away tapping his bare toes and clapping his hands to
the sound of live bluegrass music. The only danger John was in was
catching ‘bluegrass fever.’

This year, the 3rd Annual Event will be on June 9 and 10, and if
last year’s show was any indication, we are looking forward to
a large crowd. See you there!

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