2734 Chaffee Street, National City, California 92050
With some apologies in the field of old and slow, we come to you
once again with a report of the health and welfare of the
California Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association. With a
forward look and a backward glance, let us launch some discussion
of the doings hereabout.
I suppose one way to approach this is in reverse, working
backward from the very satisfying potluck dinner meeting held in
Long Beach, California this past January 25th. Oh! the goodies –
the pies, the cakes, the puddings – the Calories!! Ah, yes, some
substantial proteins were present and apparent to be sampled also;
and just over a hundred hungry souls appeared to partake and enjoy
the repast and fellowship.
The business meeting in the afternoon was straightforward and
forthright, moving easily from one necessary matter to another. An
increase of membership was noted by Director Paul Freiling, who
counted some 503 as of that day. Al Carroll noted in his
treasurer’s report that the club is quite healthy financially,
albeit an unreconciled bank balance of some 39c. President Cliff
Helwig and Vice President Wes Hamilton told of progress, even at
that moment, for a future permanent home and show ground for the
club. (Director Bill May missed the meeting while negotiating for
the necessary acreage.)
With thoughts projected toward the future, we learned from
Director Claar Tietsort that plans are nearly complete for a show
at the International Date Festival at Indio, California February
15-23. Also in planning stage is the Orange Show at San Bernardino
March 13-23 the Tropico Mine Show at Rosamond the 1st and 2nd of
March and, later on, our annual Spring Show (6th) in mid-June. The
Hemet Agricultural Fair and the Antelope Valley Fair in the fall,
Mule Skinner Days (to be held the 4th of July) at Bishop,
California are also possibilities this year. There is also some
speculation of a Threshing Bee at Yucaipa when the barley is
New officers for the coming year were elected and include West
Hamilton, President, Cliff Helwig, Treasurer, Helen Tietsort,
Director Ladies Projects (a new office), and a slate of other
directors to help conduct the clubs affairs.
Now looking backward for a bit (and isn’t nostalgia what
collecting and restoring is all about?) we find that we had fun and
games in 1974 at the Fall Show, the Orange County Fair, Antelope
Valley Fair, Hemet Agricultural Fair, our own 5th Spring Show at
Santee, California and some other times and places including the
Tropico Mine Show, the Date Festival at Indio and Al Holton and
Virgil White’s Steam-up at Cucamonga.
And so to some specific goodies to be enjoyed-I’ve included
some pictures with their own captions- there was Claar Tietsort
with his trailer-mounted display, all operating and topped by a
windmill, pumping water. The Country Kitchen, staffed by some real
old-fashioned country cooks, was by far the single most popular
attraction at any of our shows, in my opinion. I’d wager this
opinion is also shared by a whole host of individuals who benefited
by the free samples of home-made ice cream, apple tarts, corn bread
(baked in a wood-fired kitchen range) and baked beans . . . A-a-ah!
Those Beans! Ida Ashbeck has a touch with a pot of beans that would
make a compulsory gourmet from a dedicated dietary addict.
We’ve had our share of excitement this year, too. Items in
my notes include gun-play in the night at Lancaster and a down-hill
runaway tractor at Santee. If these didn’t stir the adrenalin,
perhaps we are indeed becoming blase in our view of the world about
us. We’ve had tractor races, sawing contests, and plain
skillful demonstrations of the art of former days. Leo Coss, our
septuagenarian blacksmith has plied his trade commendably to the
accompaniment of multi-toned steam and air whistles. And how about
the ‘Stomper’, that gas-fired hand-held Barco compactor
which is guaranteed to rid one of corns and bunions?
This year something new has appeared on the scene and it has
proved to be a popular attraction at the fairs and shows where it
has appeared. The Country Parlor, counterpart to the Country
Kitchen, is staffed by our own ladies and exhibits such items as a
spinning wheel, quilting frame, nickelodeon, foot-powered sewing
machine and period furniture.
Well, we could go on and on, but we wouldn’t want to bore
you with a screed of too much of the details of the fun we’ve
had, so we’ll simply invite you to watch for dates, make plans,
arrange vacations, and come to Southern California. We’ll be
glad to see ya.
View of part of the display area at the 1974 Spring Show at
Santee, California
E. R. Palisch rests while his model B John Deere squirts a
stream of water into Lake 4 at Santee, California
Dick Hamp of San Jose, California is smiling at us as he is
shown here operating his type ‘A’ 1-1/2 HP Olds gas engine,
which is in unrestored condition, [to restore it, I’d have to
remove the original decal] says Dick
Preparing delicious edibles in the country kitchen is Martha
Coss at left and Ida Ashbeck on right – gal in center
Marge Hennen sews a fine seam as she pieces quilt blocks with an
early Singer sewing machine.
Al Chambers of San Diego, California is busy chopping hay with
his restored Hocking Valley Hay Chopper powered by a 2 HP Reeves
gas engine.
Courtesy of Don Beach, 2734 Chaffee Street, National City,
California 92050