Since the last report of the Pioneer Gas Engine Association,
Inc., we have all been very busy making plans for the 1966 Annual
Reunion, which will be held at Fairville, New York, on Route 88,
four miles north of Newark, ‘the Rose Capitol of the
World.’ The dates for the show are July 29, 30, and 31. Now for
the next two months, everyone will be busy carrying out these
The Association now owns a Case stationary baler, a Massey
Harris binder, a hammer mill, and a stone crusher. These should be
in operation, along with many other displays.
On May 1st, we had our annual Spring ‘Gas-up’. The
weather was cold but the sun shone. There were about 35 gas engines
in operation, 8 gas tractors, 1 steamer, and the baker fan. The
stone crusher was tried out and it worked. Everyone had lots of
fun, and the good size crowd had a preview of the things to come at
the Reunion.
At the June 5th meeting, five amendments to the Constitution
were voted on. Reunion plans were discussed, and people were
appointed for various duties. R. Dayton Nichols will serve as
master of cerimonies.
We now have a membership of 283. Think we will make 300 by the
end of the year. It is most interesting to receive letters from gas
engine enthusiasts in other parts of the country. For information
or membership send $2.00 to Dorothy B. Smith, Forest Grove Trailer
Park, Ontario, N.Y. 14519.
This picture was taken at the 1966 Spring ‘Gas-up’ of
the Pioneer Gas Engine Ass’n., Inc. at Fairville, N.Y. It is a
1926 cross motor Case 25-45 owned by the President, Donald A.
Luteyn of Palmyra, N.Y. Operating the tractor is his son Don Jr. He
is about to belt up to the. Baker fan.
This picture was taken at the 1966 Spring ‘Gas-up’ of
the Pioneer Gas Engine Ass’n., Inc. at Fairville, N.Y. It is a
1924 Aultman-Taylor tractor owned by David Shearns of Marion, N.Y.
He is a former director of the Ass’n.