By Staff
Published on January 1, 1969
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Paul E. Metzinger
Courtesy of Paul E. Metzinger Box 234, Ambia, Indiana 47917

Ontario, N.Y.

The annual meeting of the Pioneer Gas Engine Association, Inc.
was held on Nov. 3, 1968 at Fairville, New York. The same officers
were re- elected for 1969. They are; President- Donald A. Luteyn,
Sr., 226 West Main St., Palmyra, N.Y.; Vice-President- Paul K.
Smith, Ontario, N.Y.; Secretary- Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Ontario, N.Y.;
Treasurer- Mrs. Mary Johnson, Marion, N.Y. Director elected for
three year terms are: Abram Johnson, Marion, N.Y.; James Salerno,
Marion, N.Y.; and Albert Heald, Sodus, N.Y. Kent Gibson, Dundee,
N.Y. was elected for a two year term.

The past year was reviewed. We ended up with a few more dollars
in the bank. We had a total of 348-1968 members. So- it was a very
successful year.

The weather favored us for the 1968 Reunion. The display of
equipment was the largest so far. A new attraction was the tent of
household antiques. On Sunday afternoon there was a mini-tractor
pull, which attracted quite a crowd. The 1968 Queen was Mrs.
Dorothy Schoff of Naples, N. Y. She is the widow of Harry Schoff,
who was responsible for founding our organization.

Taken at last year’s Sweet Corn Festival at Hoopeston,
Illinois. Our friend, Mr. Gerald (Peanut) Hamilton, is pictured
with his beautifully restored (Grey) engine which he added to our
display. It ran perfectly when we picked it up at his house but
when we set it down at the fairgrounds, it wouldn’t start. He
said, ‘I guess my engine just won’t run for the
public!’ He and my son, Tom, replaced the head gasket.

The dates of August 1-2-3 have been set for the 1969 Reunion.
Coming events include the annual Christmas Party, the first Sunday
in December, ‘picture showing’ at the meetings in February
and March, and the spring ‘gas-up’ in May. Anyone wishing
to become a member, may do so by sending $2.00 to the Secretary.
They will receive the bimonthly news letter, THE PIONEER ENGINE

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