Our First Show: What A Success!!!

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1989
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Ken Follmer with his display of 45 different engines.

R. D. #1, Box 39 Montoursville, Pennsylvania 17754

After two years of planning, several work days, a multitude of
phone calls and inquiries, the big day arrived-the opening of the
first annual show of the Loyalsock Valley Antique Machinery
Association, Inc., August 5th, 6th, and 7th.

The dream many of our members shared was becoming a reality.
Excitement filled the air. It was wonderful seeing everyone
cooperating and working together to make this an event not soon to
be forgotten. But there was also a hint of fear. Was everything
taken care of? Did everyone know what they were supposed to do?
Would the weather cooperate? Would we draw a crowd?

Our first show featured the largest Caterpillar collection in
the east owned by George Logue of Montoursville, Pennsylvania.

We had 225 gas, steam and hit & miss engines, 100 antique
farm tractors, 3 steam engines, 52 antique cars and trucks, an
antique fire truck and several teams of horses. We were amazed at
the number of exhibitors who turned out, as well as the spectators
who showed an interest in becoming exhibitors next year.

The three day event was held at the Lycoming County Consolidated
Sportsman’s Grounds. The location and layout of the grounds are
excel lent. There is a spacious, open, and fairly level area to
provide ample parking area and display area. We also had a large
flea market with several craft people and several eating
concessions. Camping was available on the grounds and there were
lots of trees around to provide shade.

The weather was extremely hot and we had a thunderstorm Saturday
afternoon. But despite the unbearable heat and rain, the attendance
was tremendous for the first show of its kind in our immediate

Various demonstrations took place throughout the weekend. They
included a sawmill demo, shingle mill demo, threshing demo,
stationary baling demo, teeter-totter demo, horse shoe tournament,
antique tractor pulls, horse and pony pulls, horse pulled wagon
rides, and cow flop raffle. We had daily parades of antique
tractors and equipment as well as the antique cars and trucks.
Sunday morning included a church service. Each evening we were
entertained with country music as well as a square dance.

For anyone wondering about the cow flop raffle, I’ll give
you a brief explanation. A field was marked out in squares and
fenced in. The cow was let loose and wherever she decided to
‘flop’ determined the winner. This event drew quite a

One pulling contest drew a lot of interest from the crowd.
George Logue pulled his Cat Sixty against a Case steam engine owned
by Fred Passeri. Who do you think won? The Cat Sixty took the

The enormous size of the steam engines were sure to attract
attention. The other two steam engines at our show were owned by
Steve Grieb, Mill Hall, Pennsylvania and Joe Haggan, Mill Hall,

We were also fortunate to have an announcer who did a terrific
job. He kept everyone informed of each activity and never seemed at
a loss of words, a special thanks to Bob Loner, Montoursville,

The officers did a terrific job of organizing this first show.
This was probably the hardest year for the club. The officers were
as follows: Dan Carey, President; Randy Brooks, Vice President;
Yvonne Aikey, Secretary; Joan Day, Assistant Secretary; Jeff
Finicle, Treasurer; John Bower, Assistant Treasurer.

It turned out to be a fun weekend for all. The young saw how it
was and the old reminisced about the good old days.

We hope to see you at this year’s show, August 4th, 5th and

For information contact Randy Brooks, (717) 433-3269 or Yvonne
Aikey (717) 433-4599.

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