3429 S. M-52 Owosso, Michigan 48867
It’s often said that here in Michigan we have three seasons:
July, August and winter. With that in mind we urge you to make the
important decisions about how to make the best use of the pleasant
part of the year early. We think that one of the best choices you
could make is to set aside the third weekend of August to attend
the 23rd annual MMOGTA Show in Oakley, Michigan.
We are widely recognized in the northeast part of the U.S. as
one of the busiest, most diversified, working shows to be found,
but we want the rest of you to know that you don’t have to be a
gear head, a collector, or a farmer to have a great time at our
For 1997 we have expanded again with the purchase of 35
additional acres which will allow us to better accommodate
thousands of spectators and exhibitors. The new property connects
with our existing grounds and will be used this year as camping
area which will help free additional space for display. We have
also secured additional area to be used as implement trailer
parking which is adjacent to, and in sight of, the display
This year we will feature brands starting with the letter
‘G’ and ‘H,’ so get that old Huber out of the
hedgerow, the Gibson out of the granary, or the Hart-Parr out of
hock and come join us in Oakley as we celebrate our 23rd year of
Looking forward to next year, we’re proud to announce that
we have been selected as the host show for the ’98 Red Power
Roundup, so next year we will not only have all of our usual
activity but will expand to a four day show as International
Harvester Collectors from all over the U.S. and Canada hold their
annual national-level show along with ours. Michigan Chapter 11
Branch of the IH collectors will assist us in this cooperative
effort as we look ahead to our biggest show ever.