News From Gas Engine Reunions

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1967
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A display of GEM and IMA magazines at the gas engine reunion. Photo courtesy of Edwin H. Bredemeier, Burchard, Nebraska.
A display of GEM and IMA magazines at the gas engine reunion. Photo courtesy of Edwin H. Bredemeier, Burchard, Nebraska.
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Threshing near Carlyle, Illinois in 1949, with a 36 foot Keck thresher and W D 40, IHC tractor. Photo courtesy of H. E. Beckemeyer, Tolono, Illinois.
Threshing near Carlyle, Illinois in 1949, with a 36 foot Keck thresher and W D 40, IHC tractor. Photo courtesy of H. E. Beckemeyer, Tolono, Illinois.

Learn about the latest news from gas engine reunions.

The latest news from gas engine reunions. This pickup with the plywood leaning against the side is what
the people saw at Bird City, Kansas on September 30 and at
Niobrara, Nebraska, October 1 & 2 Reunions. I had this display
of the GEM and IMA magazines to show the contents so I could take
subscriptions. I met the nicest people and heard a lot of remarks
about the display. One that I remember well from a senior citizen
who said that it was a shame to cut up such nice magazines to
staple the sheet to a board.

This is how I made this display. I had two of each of the
magazines and cut them down the backs and used the odd number pages
from one and the even number pages from the other, fastening them
to the plywood so one could read the entire magazine without
turning a page.

There was a good crowd at both reunions and good programs. That
included steam engines, old tractors, gas engines, threshing steam
engines plowing and scale models of all sizes. That always had a
crowd around. At the Northeast Nebraska Reunion they also sawed
logs into lumber with steam and threshed with 6 team horse power
and hand feed thresher with web straw carrier owned by William J.
Mayberry of Niobrara, Nebraska, whose farm the reunion was held

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