327A East Main, New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557
What do big band music and antique machines have in common? In
our town that would be an antique automobile, gas engine and
tractor show, sponsored by one of eastern Pennsylvania’s oldest
community bands.
That’s right, the New Holland Band, Inc. has sponsored the
show each July for the past eleven years. This is one of their
annual fundraisers to generate funds to keep our community park
operating. The gas engine and tractor segment of the show has been
included for the past four years.
‘Boy, did we luck out!’ was the comment made by one of
the organization officials. The evening prior to the show we had
heavy downpours. The crowds looked fairly nice Sunday morning as we
arrived. The skies cleared and so did the air, and it turned out to
be a gorgeous day.
Being only a one-day show, we are not as large in numbers as
some are, but each year we see such a nice variety displayed. For
example, this year our tractor display was down considerably to
only eight but they were not all the same makes and colors in their
ranks. We saw a wide range in the gas engines, from an early 3 HP
Quincy, Pa., and an early 6 HP Otto, all the way up to some later
Briggs and Strattons.
There were several very nice model displays again at this
year’s show. These always attract the attention of the young
and old alike. 216 automobiles were registered this year. The
figure also includes quite a few nicely restored trucks.
For 1992 we would like to invite anyone who could come out on
Sunday, July 12th. We would like to see more tractor exhibitors and
all the New Holland engines that might be out there. This town was
the home for that line (New Holland Machine Company) and we always
enjoy seeing them coming back home.
All automobiles must pre-register to show. Gas engines and
tractors may pre-register and be placed in a judged class, or they
may arrive on July 12th and display free of charge.