By Staff
Published on May 1, 1989
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Andy Appelfeller's 570 on display.
Andy Appelfeller's 570 on display.
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Part of the line-up of Co-ops and Cockshutts at the 1988 Show.
Part of the line-up of Co-ops and Cockshutts at the 1988 Show.
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The club-owned shingle mill in operation.
The club-owned shingle mill in operation.

President Marion Co. Steam & Gas Engine Society 85 Cleveland
Ave., Marion, Ohio 43302

The old saying ‘Mighty oaks from little acorns grow’
might well be applied to the 12th annual Marion Co. Steam and Gas
Engine Show to be held this year, June 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1989 at
the Marion Co. Fairgrounds, Marion, Ohio. The tractor and equipment
featured for the 11th annual show held last June was Co op,
Cockshutt and Blackhawk lines. This particular tractor was chosen
due partly to the special interest of charter member Bob Schwaderer
and another club member, Andy Appelfeller. The paths of these two
men crossed when they were just young. Bob’s father, Walter,
was owner/operator of the Cockshutt dealership in LaRue, Ohio.
Andy’s father purchased several pieces of Cockshutt equipment
from Schwaderer Farm Equipment. Over the years, many of these were
traded off for newer equipment. The Cockshutt 570 was the one
remembered most by Andy, who had to search over 6 months before
locating it in a barn, seemingly waiting for a trip to the
junkyard. This 570 has been completely restored and repainted to
showroom quality or better.

This tractor was on display at the 1988  show. A great deal
of interest evolved from the Cockshutt display, including several
visitors from Canada who had worked in the factory. Plans were laid
then and there for the 1989   show to be an international
show. Cockshutt family members and dealers are expected this year.
At this writing (January), collectors from 15 states have stated
they plan to come and display their equipment.

Of special interest will be the Appelfeller Cockshutt 580 Super
which will be on display. This prototype (of which there were very
few made), may be the only one known to exist. Andy Appelfeller had
just purchased the tractor in June of 1988 and it was shown in its
rough state. Restoration has gone on all year and it will be
proudly displayed in its mint condition this year.

The Marion club has reached agreement with the Ertl Company,
Dyersville, Iowa, to build a 1/16 scale die
cast replica of the 580 Super. These models will be available at
the show or by advance order. They will be limited to a production
of 3,000 and will bear the inscription ‘International Cockshutt
Show, June 1989, Marion, Ohio’. Information regarding ordering
these can be secured from Schwaderer or the club president (see the
advertisement in this issue or in Coming Events April, May, or

Equipment to be exhibited (so far) at the show includes: Co-ops
#1, #2, #3, C, E3, B2, and one of the first Co-ops built by Huber.
Also Cockshutt 80, 20, 30, 30D, 35, and Black hawk 35. There will
be a Golden Arrow, Cockshutt, and Blackhawk Golden Eagles, 40, 40D,
50D, 540, 550, 560, 570, 570 Gas, 570 Super and the infamous 580
Super. Cockshutt implements you can expect to see include plows,
discs, 2- and 4-row corn planters, wagon, forage harvester, silo
blower, and a pull-type combine. If you have any of the above,
please bring yours too, or if you have any models not mentioned,
please help us have a full line. We need models built by Oliver and
Hart-Parr painted red.

Other features will be a toy farm machinery display, a
reproduction of a Cockshutt dealership, a parts corral with many
Cockshutt parts books, manuals, and used parts as well as other

The Marion Co. Show has become known as the ‘Home of the
Huber’, and the question may be raised as to why all the
interest internationally on the Cockshutt. The Co-op Company,
located in nearby Bellevue, Ohio, was purchased by the Cockshutt
Co. in 1952, and thereafter sold under the Cockshutt name. The
first Co-op tractor was built in Marion by the Huber Company.
Therefore Hubers will still be seen at the ’89 show along with
all the other tractors, steam engines, and gas engines which are
such an important part of the Marion Co. Steam & Gas Engine

The antique tractor pull will be held on Saturday, June 17, with
plans being discussed for light weight classes on Thursday of the
show this year. New features planned for this year include a steam
table, the miniature displays, and the parts corral. Other regular
features are the fiddlers contest, the kiddie tractor pull, slow
race, belt-up and starting contests and Sunday morning church
services. The vintage motorcycle display, which has been in
existence for three years, will again be part of the activities, in
addition to the availability of good food, flea markets, and
generally good fellowship to be shared by all.

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